Tuesday, 15 June 2010

The Last 10 Days..........

I've strung together 10 consecutive winning days for probably the first time ever. Before this month, I doubt I strung 3 together all year. I don't know if it's an achievement or not, but it's certainly an indicator that I'm playing well, and my confidence is sky high going into Vegas on Saturday.
I'm just slightly down today after being stuck $3k following a grudge HU match with MissWiss333 or something, and so I'm looking to get into the green later on and make it eleven consecutive. I don't normally do grudge things, and I should never have started it considering I was getting light headed but went ahead anyway and played pretty poorly.
HU's weird sometimes, because in a vacuum I want to play a hand in a certain manner, but there were so many hands early on where he just had to have the nuts....... I fold every one but eventually you have to take notice of frequencies, but then of course he knows I'm getting pissed off and the next one isn't likely to be a bluff, etc etc. I got owned basically but I'm gonna hunt him down the next session I get when I'm feeling on fire and hopefully get it all back and more.
Apart from today, my light headedness issue has almost been cured! It's down to exercise etc I'm sure, and I'm giving this health improvement probably 70% of the credit for recent results.
I'm on $16k currently for the month, all of which I'm taking to Vegas. NOT for spends though, last year my attitude was all wrong in that regard. This year I'm pretty determined to come back with more than I go out there with. I'll record my live session results, and make sure I keep my competitive edge and not get drunk and fuck about and squeeze 97s into the 25bb PFR, as per usual.
I go out on Saturday, my sister and her BF come on the Sunday. My mate Cudbud comes on the Tuesday, and Nicola and her mate are coming on the following Sunday.
Is all.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

How to win at poker, and some hands- TL:DR

So I keep winning at the moment. More than that, I can feel that I'm winning even when I'm not, if you know what I mean. So, in Feb I won $8k but could tell throughout that I was playing terribly and actually ran super hot for the entire month to claw myself up to this amount.

I'm $7.2k at the moment, which is a nice tonic considering I've got Vegas coming up and want to play the ME.

So anyway, the way I feel right now is the way I felt all the way through last year's $168k success. Somewhere along the way though, I 'forgot' how to play. As I struggled through Jan-April, I tried to recreate the feeling that I once had of predicting every move of my opponents, of knowing what hands they had, and whether they planned to fold or call.

Trying to recreate this feeling, I watched all my old videos. In them, I was super successful and I just sat there thinking wow nice call, nice bluff etc. What I didn't have is the rationale behind what I was doing.

I don't want to forget again, but if I do I need a better reminder of the way I thought through my successful times. So, in this blog post, for the benefit of future struggling Dan, I will outline 'how' I currently win at poker.

Mindset: No light headedness at all. Despite the odd variance spike, you are definitely a losing player when light headed. Don't have any distractions around you, and constantly ask yourself what you are thinking. Has your mind drifted? Then get it back on the tables, or else quit.

Tilt: Any hands where you tilt make you a worthless degenerate loser, who is frankly kidding himself that his days spent gambling on a computer are any kind of 'profession'. Have some pride in yourself, have some competiveness. If tilt is a problem for you, then play sessions with the sole aim of not tilting and grade yourself.

PF: Raise to 4x utg, utg+1. 3.5x in CO, 3x OTB, 4x SB. This will minimise the times that you are playing OOP. Open your usual 80% OTB, but UTG and UTG+1 open much much tighter. ATo is out, 86s is out.

Don't flat much except on the button, or where you can squash or where the players behind you are definitely not squeeze happy. Co with AJo to an UTG+1 18% raiser, then 3bet it! 3bet a ton of stuff on the button, you are trying to generate history and piss off the guys to your right with the anticipation that they will eventually snap. At first they're going to fold, then they'll 4bet you. At this point 3bet/5bet 77 and other pairs. Once they've seen this, keep 3betting them and they'll be forced to fold, 4bet bluffing is not an option once you've shown you can 3bet/5bet this light.

If guy to your right flats 3bets and also opens a lot, then for gods sake 3bet everything. Q9o is fine. Our plan on the flop is usually to bet around 36 into 84. When peeled, we'll follow up on the turn.

Flatting 4bets is an option. Deep, 3bet/call TT OTB to a normal size 4bet is fine. A little shallower, then we can peel all sorts of hands to small 4bets.

In terms of flatting 3bets, then 100bbs we don't want to be doing it too much. We're not flatting OOP much at all, except with PPs that you can peel on low boards and expect him to play straightforwardly. Usually we'll be 4betting those 10% 3bettors s when deep whenever you have Ax or Kx.

Don't spaz 4bet AK ip > 125bbs deep without some decent history. It's an incredibly playable hand, especially IP where you can peel low boards, raise Kx and Ax flops for value and look totally FOS, and you can keep in weaker Ax that otherwise you blow out.

Always be aware of the stack sizes when 4betting for value or 3bet/5bet jamming. The shallower that an opponent will 4bet fold obviously the better, but I guess I'm saying don't 3bet/5bet TT in the BB $40/$94/ $586. Risk reward is everything!

Constantly check the 3bet stats in different positions when making decisions when facing 3bets.

Flop: We're cbetting IP and OOP around 80%. The times we check IP are the times that the board is super wet, or the times that we have something like a GS + overcard that we don't want to give up, or 2nd pair on a very dry board, or ace hi on a dry board VS a Mr Honest. Otherwise, bet once and give up. Or, bet again when you turn some equity. Be very aware of opponent's peeling tendencies and how they perceive your range (did you open UTG or OTB).

OOP, we can give up more often on wet boards with no equity. We're still betting most of the time though.

Flop to be continued.......

River: You have more success bluffing rivers IP than OOP, given you get to see if he checks. Make random bluffs when you get represent something. In terms of calling, constantly ask this very important question. 'Does he expect me to fold here'. So for example, we flat AQ OTB. Villain bets the KQ3r flop and follows up on the 6 turn. River brings a K- a good card for us? Yes, but villain never expects us to fold here given we most likely have a K, or at worse some Q that 'wouldnt fold this card'. The 'would villain expect us to' question is the crucial one on all postflop streets, it's the question that puts us just one level ahead of them.

Would villain expect you to be able to value bet a wide range on the river including 2nd pairs? The bluff. Does villain expect you to bluff a lot? Then value bet extremely wide or don't bluff. You're currently something like 0/8 for your last 8 bluff shoves on the river. You know why? Because everyone expects you to be capable of bluff shoving.

That's it for now, hopefully that will jog my memory.

Some hands.

http://weaktight.com/2373937 - oh but dude you don't have any Kc in your range based on your flop and PF action!

http://weaktight.com/2373940 - hand is completely face up as AK, and he expects me to know this and yet I bet anyway, so there *should* be no value. I should probably have bet more to better rep a bluff.

http://weaktight.com/2373944 - bleh at this, he'd been folding to every 3bet which is why I 3bet J8s. I have 2 pair, but I honestly don't think he has AQ here. KQ, AT, AJ, JT, A8, TT, there's a ton of hands and he doesn't expect me to fold a mon avis once I call twice.

http://weaktight.com/2373949 - beat!

http://weaktight.com/2373958 = HU vs Lrd. River 3bet? I personally think so......


Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Bad Session

I just played a bad session and want to get it out of my system. I've had a bad day actually, just randomly started playing a ton of hands really badly for no discernable reason. The first two sessions a ton of leaks crept in, and I started spewing really badly in some spots.

The last session, I sat down and prepared, identified the leaks from the earlier session, but still managed to donk off a fair amount of money.

http://weaktight.com/2363817 - The initial 3bet is fine IMO, he opens 22% UTG and 3betting the SB here looks insanely strong and I'll just get a ton of folds. I'm happy getting it in for 25bbs VS Miker.

Where I go wrong is in second guessing WhatGreatIs's 5bet iso (it sounds funny when I write it like that). I just thought he'd flat AA/KK, and look to iso AK, so I was all ecstatic about possibly getting 88 in VS 2 sets of AK. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't who knows, but I should clearly be paying more attention to the fact that he's seen a SB 3BET to an UTG RAISE, then seen the BB SHOVE OVER THIS DISPLAY OF HUGE STRENGTH and yet continued to 5BET IT WITH THE ORGINAL STRONG SB 3BETTOR STILL TO ACT. Durrrrr.

http://weaktight.com/2363826 - This hand is terrible for all the reasons. Initial raise probably not great. Villain is a very call happy fish, so I should look to give up or delay cbet. I decide to double barrel as AJ/ KJ always get peeled, then decide with the draws out there I have to follow up on the river. A couple of things, a) he snap called flop and turn which just screams 'top pair not folding dare u to try and make me' b) I have no fucking equity, at all. It'd be completely different if I have even ace hi so could at least check back the river and beat JT, but 65o come the fuck on. c) Call happy fish, hello dan I doubt you even fold out a 9 ever ever ever.

d) the river betsizing. I didn't want to lose to KJ, so bet $58 you stupid fucking POS.

http://weaktight.com/2363834 - Not sure about this one, in fact I'm happy with it. I hate checking and allowing him control of the pot turn and river. I'm sure he peels KQ again and checks back the river, I'm sure he raises AQ (though probably he shouldn't) and I'm sure he'd call JT and bluffs the river.

http://weaktight.com/2363836 - Bluffing fish on nut bad cards with (next to) no equity again. Jesus, HELLO DAN WE'RE TALKING THE FUCKING ABCs OF WINNING POKER U RIDICULOUS IDIOT-FACED CLOWN

hope you enjoyed the read

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

May Review + Hands

Well, I finally made decent money in a month. Success is all relative, and relative to this year so far, this month makes me a world champion. I played a ton of hands (translating into ~$4k rakeback and bonuses), and can only hope that my belief that I've 'cracked it' in the second half of the month now translates into super success in June.
Some hands VS good regs:

http://weaktight.com/2361063 - I CR the turn as I think it looks super strong, and rarely expect to be shoved on when he flats the flop this deep 3 way. He doesn't shove over the CR... so hero call? On the downside, he is at least capable of value betting fairly thin (I think this is a snap VS yellowdawg or whoever for example).

http://weaktight.com/2361067 - We're HU at this point, this hand comes a day after the above (ok the hand was shown down). You see, when someone takes the exact same line fairly soon after a big hand then I get suspicious and think they're on the opposite of the previous hand, though I'm not sure if he's on that level, or even if it is a level. Whatever I'm sure the balancing posse will be proud.

http://weaktight.com/2361073 - yes PF is iffy, yes I should 4bet bigger and avoid being 'forced' to flat. When I'm playing well, I put a ton of stock in 'what does he expect me to do'. Here, does he expect me to fold PPs 4-J? Does he expect me to have some Qs in my 4bet call range, I think so. So, does he expect me to fold them? Hmmmmmm

http://weaktight.com/2361081 Lastly just a hand to get out of my system. He raged at me for this, but paying close attention to his betsizing on this wet of a board coupled with his PF stats meant I put him on exactly AK with like 90% certainty. So, he was going to lose this hand anyway had the river blanked off, I couldn't bluff before hand though as I wasn't sure he'd bet call at any point.

Hope everyone is well. Vegas 20th June - 20th July hopefully see some of you there.
