Yes this one:
(He's a real visionary)
I have to get my chin up, but feeling extremely fed up with poker and life at the moment. Part of it is being injured, so from playing footy 6 times per week I'm left sulking every day instead, craving to get out of the house but with nowhere particular to go. Foot is just being a bastard. I'm normally a super quick healer, but for a foot that the hospital swears isn't broken it hasn't half just given up getting better.
So this morning was probably a bit of 'feeling down, lets make money', and played despite me knowing full well my B game doesn't exist. Well it does, but it's equivalent to my Z game. Blah blah blah blah you've heard all this shit before I've written it before and i'll write it again.
So with poker, I simply need to not force it. Easier said than done with the pressing need to make money, but my best 3 month spell of the year I was getting steaming drunk every other day, and somehow in the habit of only playing when feeling top notch. I know all the theories, I just have trouble acting upon them.
Hmm, so new goal. Don't play when less than 100%. Wow Dan, what a brand new spanking idea, an idea that's almost as revolutionary as your faux-communist dog! Btw people who talk about themselves in the 3rd person are utter wankers. That last sentence didn't qualify though in my opinion so there.
Shower. Play. Well.
Current Goals:
Time for every decision. Is the obvious option incorrect, or is there a third option?
Trust instincts.
Avoid reverse equity spots without reads.
Make notes in game, not just post session, and work on using inferred knowledge.
Not feeling 100% ? Then go have a beer ! Yup, problem solved.