Can't remember when my last update was, but likely since I last wrote anything I had another good month in July, $18k or some such + rb. Since then I've felt EXTREMELY poker lazy. I had a 5-10 session at the start of the month, got slowrolled by Average Greg for $3k pot, and if I'm honest wasn't in a good mental place to deal with it. Dropped $5k that day, then somehow ground back up in a couple of swingy 5-10 sessions to be up $1k or something this month.
Spot the errors in the above paragraph........ virtually all of it! Especially mentioning monetary amounts........... ESPECIALLY in a period as short as a day. I suppose I'm doing it to illustrate a larger point though, namely that I've had really poor mental and thus technical game all of August so far.
I haven't 'wasted' the time. I've got very drunk very often, played a ton of golf and snooker (aspiring snooker pro is my new part time obsession) and watched tons of cricket. The cricket matches I've been watching last for 8 hours per day, and 5 days. There's been 4 such matches so far, with 6 left between now and January. So that's taken 20 days of my life thus far, with like 30 yet to lose, never mind all the one-day matches in between.
So yeah, in between snooker, golf, footy 5 x per week, girlfriend, dogs, parents; poker has taken a back seat. The times I have played have been meh and sorta just been going through the motions. What I'm here to put down in paper though is that I don't think it's really possible (for me) to do poker part time. It has to be the main thing, with other stuff coming second, and with almost equal time devoted to hand reviews, reg reviews and mental reviews.
I think pre-session reviews of previous sessions are really important. They keep you on top of any mistakes that might be creeping in, but more importantly feed into your unconscious specific things about regs and how they play/ think, and then gets you thinking how this impacts other parts of their game. I really doubt there's much of an edge at all in playing a standard 'one size fits most' style at 2-5, especially when it's not late at night. The edges for me come in the little details that swing huge pots our way, and these details are only accessible through being extremely attentive either pre or post session, and in being relaxed enough in-game to be able to access our unconscious and thus these reads and thus give us the correct answer.
Anyway, this has gotten me back in the correct mindset I think. Time to play, take time on decisions, have fun, relax, be aware of the forms of tilt, and then review review review.