Net: $1165
Total No. Stacks Lost: 5
Stacks Lost To Bad Play: 3
Stacks Lost To Definite Coolers:
Stacks Lost Where Unsure: 2
RE- 5
Bad session, hopefully acts as a wakeup call. Had an early semi cooler, then played too long and broke my $1k stoploss. Then tilted and got in 9s PF with no history and no reason. Just..... bad.
Hand 1:
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players
Generated by
UTG | weirdly | $841.20 | |
CO | TangerineMan | $166.60 | |
BTN | Hero | $808.80 | |
SB | rudolfsen | $1,579.20 | |
BB | Figool | $822.90 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 5 players)Hero is BTN
weirdly raises to $14, 1 fold, Hero calls $14, 2 folds
- Flop ($34, 2 players)
weirdly bets $25, Hero calls $25
- Turn ($84, 2 players)
weirdly bets $68, Hero calls $68
- River ($220, 2 players)
weirdly bets $125, Hero raises to $441
- Final Pot: $786
Hand 2:
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players
Generated by
UTG | Sascha Biorac | $1,576.70 | |
CO | rudolfsen | $867.40 | |
BTN | Figool | $845.30 | |
SB | TangerineMan | $222.30 | |
BB | Hero | $800 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 5 players)Hero is BB
1 fold, rudolfsen raises to $10, 2 folds, Hero calls $6
- Flop ($22, 2 players)
Hero checks, rudolfsen bets $16, Hero raises to $56, rudolfsen calls $40
- Turn ($134, 2 players)
Hero bets $97, rudolfsen calls $97
- River ($328, 2 players)
Hero bets $276, rudolfsen goes all-in $704.40, Hero calls $361
- Final Pot: $1,669.40
Hand 3:
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players
Generated by
UTG | rudolfsen | $1,534.70 | |
CO | Figool | $800 | |
BTN | weirdly | $521 | |
SB | TangerineMan | $162.80 | |
BB | Hero | $876 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 5 players)Hero is BB
1 fold, Figool raises to $12, weirdly calls $12, 1 fold, Hero calls $8
- Flop ($38, 3 players)
Hero checks, Figool checks, weirdly bets $29, Hero calls $29, Figool folds
- Turn ($96, 2 players)
Hero checks, weirdly bets $78, Hero calls $78
- River ($252, 2 players)
Hero checks, weirdly bets $182, Hero calls $182
- Final Pot: $616
I think all 3 hands are close....
I need to stick to short sessions by the way. So far I've had short sessions when winning, and then playing until forever whenever I'm losing. This just means that when my confidence is up and thus playing well I quit, and when I'm mildly tilted and trying to get even I carry on.
There were some hands in that last session I'm really really not happy with, basically just tilt. How I'm going to do well this month is not through such rubbish, and not through checking my session score every 5 hands, but getting through each and every session whilst concentrating and avoiding tilt throughout.
Session 9 I'll play now on UB, then for session 10 later.
Woow, the AJ hand looks pretty sick, i m guessing is not for value right? did his bet size on river influences your decision on raising? Kind of looks like a blocking bet that might fold to a raise. Had he bet bigger on the river, will you be more inclined to just call?
AJo - I assume this is as a bluff. As Grogheadflow I don't think it's a good one. Most people will think you're polarised to a flush or nothing, and you can have some flushes of course but you'll also raise them on the flop sometimes so I just don't think most regs who know your name will give you enough credit. As for whether someone knows your name or not, well if I'm playing midstakes on ft I'm skimming through the vid sites just checking out who's making vids. So I think most regs will know at least something about you. The other thing here is his range is strong. He opens mp and triples so he can have flushes, a straight, sets, and he might not even fold AA to you regardless of whether he should.
QTs - Gotta be standard. He can have worse flushes, bluff raise sometimes.
A3s - I hate these spots. I actually end up folding the river here a lot without a decent read that I shouldn't. He triples a wet tripped up (?) board that was 3-way on the flop. The only hands he can really have as bluffs are strong combo draws, and there just aren't that many. You certainly can have Ax a lot, and you might not even fold QT or something.
Just a question for you guys, would there be any merit in a flop raise in the AJ hand?
QTs- i would obv stack off also!
A3- i really wouldent know what to do, but prob end up calling also, wich prob is pretty bad, i dunno!
Yeah guys the AJ hand is obv a bluff, he like, timed after betting fairly quick on flop and turn as if he was thinking 'fucking flush', what to do with my QQ, checking's too weak, I can't really bet call, etc. And his bet looked kind of blockery... I won a time fold anyway. Pat as for raising the flop we're just too deep, PSR of around 20 to be getting TPTK in VS an early pos raise. 100bbs I'd probably raise yes.
QT he had nut flush obv.
A3 he had AK, and my *blink* alarms were going off like crazy but I couldn't fold. I need to start trusting those alarms again maybe.... thanks for all your comments
Oh and Martin (not dodgy) if he had bet bigger, I probably just fold, or maybe in the moment shove. It's like, people don't want to imagine they've induced something sometimes here so with QQ they bet big 'safe' in the knowledge that if I shove i definitely have a flush. At least, that's how I think.
Sweet, i was thinking we might be able to call if he bet big because we look kind of weak. I mean the flop is pretty drawy, u probably would of raised if u have a strong hand,(probably with a FD some % of the time too) So when the flush got there villain might think he can barrel us off a weak made hand. idk man, just a thought
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