Satisfaction hand of the day: Marclar has never folded to me, except for a 2 week period after he called my triple barrel shove with AQ hi and shut down for a fortnight. Here, his call is woefully bad but one I fully expected him to make. He is like the anti-borovich, from whom I've never seen a bad or slightly questionable call in the years we've played. I doubt Boro even pays a $63 river bet here, so had I got here with hearts it would've been a beautiful bluff spot.
Spotting those players who fold rivers is obviously harder than those who hero call, but when I can't remember a bad call in such a long period of time, I don't think it's a stretch to imagine Boro folding AQ here.
But anyway, it wasn't Boro, it was Marclar...
$2/$4 Ante $1 No Limit Holdem • 6 Players
Generated by
UTG | TURK-GAMBLER2 | $1,457.15 | |
UTG+1 | GROGHEADFLOW | $793.70 | |
CO | CRATERING | $380.50 | |
SB | MARCLAR3 | $386 | |
BB | BOROVICH05 | $410.30 | |
- Pre-Flop ($12, 6 players)Hero is UTG+1
1 fold, GROGHEADFLOW raises to $14, 2 folds, MARCLAR3 calls $12, 1 fold
- Flop ($38, 2 players)
MARCLAR3 checks, GROGHEADFLOW bets $25, MARCLAR3 calls $25
- Turn ($88, 2 players)
MARCLAR3 bets $55, GROGHEADFLOW calls $55
- River ($198, 2 players)
MARCLAR3 checks, GROGHEADFLOW bets $698.70, MARCLAR3 calls $291
- Final Pot: $1,187.70
- MARCLAR3 shows
- GROGHEADFLOW wins $1,184.20 (net +$390.50)
- MARCLAR3 lost $386
And then this VS Cratering. He kinda leaves me alone (hence he's always folding if I 3bet), but I seem to pick good spots to bluff and value bet VS him and thus I'm very happy getting this in for a 14 PSR.
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 4 Players
Generated by
CO | ROCKWATER | $403.30 | |
BTN | CRATERING | $387.70 | |
SB | GROGHEADFLOW | $1,782.40 | |
BB | HARLEMHARLOT | $400 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 4 players)Hero is SB
1 fold, CRATERING raises to $12, GROGHEADFLOW calls $10, 1 fold
- Flop ($28, 2 players)
GROGHEADFLOW checks, CRATERING bets $18, GROGHEADFLOW raises to $63, CRATERING calls $45
- Turn ($154, 2 players)
GROGHEADFLOW bets $107, CRATERING goes all-in $312.70, GROGHEADFLOW calls $205.70
- River ($779.40, 2 players, 1 all-in)
- Final Pot: $779.40
- GROGHEADFLOW wins $777.40 (net +$389.70)
- CRATERING lost $387.70
I'm feeling a bit light headed, so just going to finish the day with a 200nl FT session.
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