Thursday, 15 April 2010


I'm making too many mistakes at present, too many sessions where the difference between winning and breaking even, between crushing and slightly winning, or between losing and breaking even is that 2/3 big mistakes were made.

I'm going to start listing all mistakes from each session. Starting with the session just played.

Total Number Of Big Mistakes: 5

Mistake #1) Rewarding a supernit making a cold 4bet in the CO 175BBs deep. I overshoved KK (which isn't the worse thing obv) and he had AA. Risk/reward wise the shove was horrible because of stacks.

Lesson: Don't reward nits.

#2) 3bet the flop with 2nd pair VS another nit on a drawy board, stacked 100bbs.

Lesson: Don't reward nits.

#3) 5bet TT to a cold 4bet 200bbs deep.

Lesson: Don't do this you spaz.

#4) Made a stupid CR on Q42r 5 with AK vs a nit repping nothing.

Lesson: He's a nit, make money off his folds, cooler him, laugh at his predictability, DON'T ever pay him off when he fights back.

#5) Barreled AJ on A92r 9 (which is fine) but then called a river lead. It's either bet bet, check turn call river, or bet turn fold river. Bet turn call river is NOT an option.

Lesson: Handreading 101- trust your handreading skills in very basic spots like these.

So, you can see most of my mistakes this session where the rewarding of nits. I used to automatically assign the nit label to most guys, which franky made my life a lot easier. People are just so standard, so boring, just don't reward them FFS.

Session 6 coming up, hopefully mistake free.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way