Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Bad Session

I just played a bad session and want to get it out of my system. I've had a bad day actually, just randomly started playing a ton of hands really badly for no discernable reason. The first two sessions a ton of leaks crept in, and I started spewing really badly in some spots.

The last session, I sat down and prepared, identified the leaks from the earlier session, but still managed to donk off a fair amount of money. - The initial 3bet is fine IMO, he opens 22% UTG and 3betting the SB here looks insanely strong and I'll just get a ton of folds. I'm happy getting it in for 25bbs VS Miker.

Where I go wrong is in second guessing WhatGreatIs's 5bet iso (it sounds funny when I write it like that). I just thought he'd flat AA/KK, and look to iso AK, so I was all ecstatic about possibly getting 88 in VS 2 sets of AK. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't who knows, but I should clearly be paying more attention to the fact that he's seen a SB 3BET to an UTG RAISE, then seen the BB SHOVE OVER THIS DISPLAY OF HUGE STRENGTH and yet continued to 5BET IT WITH THE ORGINAL STRONG SB 3BETTOR STILL TO ACT. Durrrrr. - This hand is terrible for all the reasons. Initial raise probably not great. Villain is a very call happy fish, so I should look to give up or delay cbet. I decide to double barrel as AJ/ KJ always get peeled, then decide with the draws out there I have to follow up on the river. A couple of things, a) he snap called flop and turn which just screams 'top pair not folding dare u to try and make me' b) I have no fucking equity, at all. It'd be completely different if I have even ace hi so could at least check back the river and beat JT, but 65o come the fuck on. c) Call happy fish, hello dan I doubt you even fold out a 9 ever ever ever.

d) the river betsizing. I didn't want to lose to KJ, so bet $58 you stupid fucking POS. - Not sure about this one, in fact I'm happy with it. I hate checking and allowing him control of the pot turn and river. I'm sure he peels KQ again and checks back the river, I'm sure he raises AQ (though probably he shouldn't) and I'm sure he'd call JT and bluffs the river. - Bluffing fish on nut bad cards with (next to) no equity again. Jesus, HELLO DAN WE'RE TALKING THE FUCKING ABCs OF WINNING POKER U RIDICULOUS IDIOT-FACED CLOWN

hope you enjoyed the read


Ian Little said...

If you checked the flop in the last hand, would you ever delay cbet the paired 5 turn, or would you just try to jockey A high to SD?

grog said...

If the turn paired the 5 then yeah VS this player I should just be checking down my ace high.