Saturday, 17 July 2010

Definitely a downswing this one

My results January and February I loosely described as a downswing at the time, when in actual fact I had allowed myself to become a massive weak tight regfish and deserved to lose every penny that I did.

This current phase of struggling is just an infuriating downswing, peppered with the odd example of bad play but on the whole pretty solid. I'm not one to dwell though, so I'll just post the latest batch from the session I just played: - 3betting the flop is obviously fine/ standard, but with the Ac I elect to flat on this occasion... that leaves open the chance of him bluffing again at least. :( - I'd been literally 3betting the shit out of him... sad face - this one was my fault, I didn't see the flush draw as I was messing around with 8 tables arghhh *moody face*

Is all, going to play 45 minutes more now....


Chris said...

The overbet is really bad. You're over repping your hand. He either has you beat or hasn't got a hand strong enough to call an overbet. Your also completely fucking up your overbet range when you bet this type of hand for value

grog said...

Agreed, but if the board was rainbow it's fine. I thought it was, hence it was bad and my fault