Wednesday, 9 March 2011

400nl Annihalation

The title sums it up. $6600 dropped there in around as many hands. Tilt has resurfaced and played a part, lack of physical fitness is again having an impact, and the sessions have been absolutely littered with technical mistakes.

Tilt and physical fitness I've taken care of today and I won't bore people with the details. It's so important to keep on top of both though, it only takes the tiniest amount of complacency for both to rear their heads and send me spiralling out of control.

I'm lacking a general gameplan at 400nl, and not being aware enough of recent obvious leaks that've crept in. For some reason, I feel only by writing about them here do I begin to cure them.

PF Spew - This has been huge. It just always creeps in after a while of not paying it too much attention. I guess I'll come up with a few HH examples of each point. - helloooooooooooo Dan???????!!!!!!!! Risk Reward??? Remember those two fucking words. 100bbs to win 10? Oh his 3betting range is wide? That's ok then....... ITS FUCKING NOT OK. His CALLING range crushes you, and he HAS IT way more often than he needs to in order to make a nice easy 100bbs decision while sometimes you pick up TEN. - same as above, you moronic backwards clownface. - you were tilted? Fold PF in this position with your recent history. Don't check jam with this risk reward. Don't play while tilted. If you must 3bet, fold to the 4bet. If you must flat the 4bet, CC the flop and decide turn and river. Basically just fall under a fucking bus before you do anything like this ever again.

Trust your instincts - No, really. Look, you don't do this thing to justify it to anyone else. There's no-one watching, no-one you have to look good in front of. Its absolutely no fucking good telling yourself that the call 'cant be terrible' when you know in your mind full fucking well that is indeed that. Stop being a station, make those big folds when your brain, sub consciously processing a myriad of information that your conscious brain is only a little bit aware of, comes back with a clear fucking answer that is FOLD. - I can forgive calling turn, as you were a little unsure. River is a stuck $3k call though, and by making it you reduce yourself to becoming that degenerate tosser loser that all your family think you are anyway. - ya ya ya. You can justify this all day in a forum. No one reading this even thinks it's that bad, good even. But you were there, you knew the villain, and you knew you were crushed on the turn. You knew. Dickhead. - Yes his line is bizarre, yes PF flop and turn are fine. But he gave away the strength of his hand on the river. You just knew, you were beat, absolutely stone cold factually beat.

Ok I'm done with the heavy berate-age, but you get the picture. There's a couple of other things I need to adjust at 400nl VS 200nl.....

PF Looseage- There's definitely much better regs here than at 200nl. They keep flatting your 86s utg raises, and 3betting them, and floating flops. I don't want to say tighten up as a general rule, but with those decent regs on your left, and with your current image, fold those unplayable hands. Oh and cbet less OOP too.

That extra level, and player studying- I'm definitely just getting pure owned in some spots that I wasn't at 200nl. In a lot of cases, I just need to go that extra level. Not in all cases though, but to identify those players where I have to step up my game I need to get back in the habit of reviewing all marked hands immediately post session.

Example of the above - We'll call this guy Mr 400nl, and compare how he'd play the hand compared to Mr 200nl. VS Mr 200nl, I think he's just barrelling this card as a bluff because he sees it as an overcard to my PPs and doesn't see the vast majority of my range as floated Ax, which he really should. I also think he's betting all TT-KK again, because, like what else can you do? When Mr 400nl bets this card, I should be done with my hand as he's able to better read my range. Then on the river, I think Mr 200nl always just bets his Ax again, allowing me to fold, while giving up his hands worse than Ax and check folding a ton of TT-KK types.

So I need to stop getting owned in the above spots basically.

I'm going to make a 400nl video now. I always play better when I do, and hopefully someone (you know who you are) might watch it and correct some stuff or some of my assumptions.

Session Goals

  • No PF spew
  • Be aware of risk reward!
  • Trust instincts, especially in the area of big folds and medium folds and folds in general.
  • Look at player left to act, and tighten up PF accordingly.
  • Review session hands properly and make informed notes.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Maybe you should do Blog Lites so you get more comments :)