Thursday, 13 October 2011

A leak

I'm playing a really low variance style at the moment, getting it in preflop hardly ever and instead looking to exploit people in the small and medium sized pots. QQ, JJ, AK, I'm usually flatting to 3bets both in and out of position. At least, this is the plan when I'm playing well.

I have a theory that I will check some time when I can be bothered. Say I win on average 2/3 sessions. I win an average of $300 per winning session, lose an average of $300. After 300 days of 3 sessions per day, I should be on $90k for the year. I'm on less than half that.

The reason, I'm sure, is the MASSIVE blowout sessions. Like yesterday, 3 hours played and $1600 dropped at 1-2. They don't equal out, cos I actually have a sort of winning stop loss where I know I start to play bad when I'm up say $600 (experimenting, etc), and quit. Clearly I need one going the other way.

So, this month will go ok if I avoid these blowouts. For the rest of the month, 2BI stoploss per session. In reality this is more of a 1.5bi stoploss as I don't want to get stacked at 2BI and lose 3BI. Yeh it's going to be frustrating sometimes, yes I'm going to have position on fish, and yes I can convince myself I'm playing well, but overall this is easily going to save (make) me a lot of money.

1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

I'm gonna start just flatting AK and QQ in most spots too. The variance with getting those two in is big in most spots like you say, and I reckon it does so many good things for us having those hands in our range.