Funny day really. Good end to it. I started off slow, losing a BI or so, before playing a deep session. Pawel sweated the deep session. Now thanks to Pawel I am probably $16k richer in the last 8 weeks or so than I would've been without him, but one thing I've learned today is that I can't have sweats with anyone when I'm playing deep. There's just so many more levels of thought. 100bbs, I feel like I can just cruise along and merrily crush and talk at the same time. Not so when deep, and I made at least one huge mistake and plenty of medium sized ones as well looking back.
Anyway, to some contentious hands:
CO | mehdi1983 | $461.20 | |
BTN | grogheadflow | $641.25 | |
SB | Luck&Skill86 | $285.80 | |
BB | lichik | $153.85 | |
- Pre-Flop ($4.60, 4 players)Hero is BTN

1 fold,
grogheadflow raises to $5, Luck&Skill86 calls $4, lichik calls $3
Luck&Skill86 checks, lichik bets $14, grogheadflow calls $14,
Luck&Skill86 raises to $44,
lichik folds, grogheadflow calls $30
- Turn ($118.60, 2 players)

Luck&Skill86 bets $78, grogheadflow calls $78
- River ($274.60, 2 players)

Luck&Skill86 bets $158.40, grogheadflow calls $158.40
- Luck&Skill86 shows

- grogheadflow shows

- Luck&Skill86 wins $589.40 (net +$303.60)
- lichik lost $19.40
- grogheadflow lost $285.80
For some reason after this he berated me, saying I should obviously fold the turn. I don't think it's *that* obvious, and was just one of those spots where I decide on the flop I'm going broke, and if I have to call 3 streets to go broke rather than 3bet get it in then there's no difference VS nutted hands anyway (assuming sets don't CF on 3flush turns and rivers of course which I think tbh is a safe assumption), but this way I get the benefit of seeing potential bluffs.
UTG | Falkao1970 | $238.85 | |
CO | scorpchess | $195.40 | |
BTN | Arkkav | $200 | |
SB | grogheadflow | $212.45 | |
BB | JJonyPoker | $218 | |
- Pre-Flop ($3, 5 players)Hero is SB

Falkao1970 raises to $4.50,
2 folds,
grogheadflow raises to $18,
1 fold, Falkao1970 calls $13.50
grogheadflow bets $18,
Falkao1970 raises to $42, grogheadflow goes all-in $194.45, Falkao1970 calls $152.45
- Turn ($426.90, 2 players, 1 all-in)

- River ($426.90, 2 players, 1 all-in)

- Falkao1970 shows

- grogheadflow shows

- Falkao1970 wins $424.90 (net +$212.45)
- grogheadflow lost $212.45
Then this one. Not upset to see 99. Standard/ whatever, but I do know his call flop range in 3bet pots is weak and so he'll have plenty of 3bets and triple barrels to worry about from now on.
UTG | JeanDitPipi | $504.30 | |
CO | gongyujia | $593.85 | |
BTN | abbkk | $529.75 | |
SB | wikiwikiweb | $589 | |
BB | grogheadflow | $608.15 | |
- Pre-Flop ($5.00, 5 players)Hero is BB

3 folds,
wikiwikiweb raises to $8,
grogheadflow raises to $24, wikiwikiweb calls $16
wikiwikiweb bets $30, grogheadflow calls $30
- Turn ($110, 2 players)

wikiwikiweb checks, grogheadflow bets $78,
wikiwikiweb raises to $175, grogheadflow goes all-in $553.75, wikiwikiweb calls $359.60
- River ($1,198.35, 2 players, 1 all-in)

- wikiwikiweb shows

- grogheadflow shows

- wikiwikiweb wins $1,177.20 (net +$588.20)
- grogheadflow collects $19.15 (net -$589)
Deep hand gone wrong. Example of what I was talking about in the first paragraph. Just so so so bad VS this opponent. VS JeanDitPipi it's actually fine ......... but here especially as he had recently taken a similar line where I folded this is just burrrrrning money.
UTG | jointy333 | $659 | |
UTG+1 | wikiwikiweb | $573.35 | |
CO | grogheadflow | $500 | |
BTN | WCG|Rider | $258.45 | |
SB | JeanDitPipi | $621.95 | |
BB | fengikareh | $513.80 | |
- Pre-Flop ($5.40, 6 players)Hero is CO

2 folds,
grogheadflow raises to $6,
1 fold,
JeanDitPipi raises to $22,
1 fold, grogheadflow calls $16
JeanDitPipi checks, grogheadflow bets $26,
JeanDitPipi raises to $88,
grogheadflow raises to $188,
JeanDitPipi raises to $599.55, grogheadflow calls $289.60
- Turn ($1,125.55, 2 players)

- River ($1,125.55, 2 players)

- JeanDitPipi shows

- grogheadflow shows

- JeanDitPipi wins $1,122.55 (net +$500.60)
- grogheadflow lost $500
So 55, probably most interesting hand. JeanDitPipi just check raises an absolute ton in 3bet pots. I've talked about him before, in a nutshell he raises depolarised, bets super thinly for value, calls all bluffs, and gives the impression of a super bluffy lagtard while not actually running any big bluffs whatsoever. So in this spot his plan is often to CR top pairs, hands like TT,JJ almost for information given that he'll fold to a lot of pressure. Very similar to the way I played on UB when all tables where deep, and something shortsharpshock used to talk to me about. Basically he'd raise top pairs etc a ton, and be like 'doesnt get exploited through bluff 3bets so its fine'. Anyway, given all this I decided I have ~40% equity VS a get it in range and can apply tons of pressure to what I've ascertained as his likely range. He gets there :-( (although I was a 40% dog)
UTG | fengikareh | $711.40 | |
UTG+1 | grogheadflow | $500 | |
CO | gongyujia | $195.80 | |
BTN | JeanDitPipi | $1,058.35 | |
SB | jointy333 | $474.20 | |
BB | wikiwikiweb | $565.15 | |
- Pre-Flop ($5.40, 6 players)Hero is UTG+1

fengikareh raises to $8,
grogheadflow raises to $24,
4 folds,
fengikareh raises to $54, grogheadflow calls $30
- Turn ($221.40, 2 players)

fengikareh checks, grogheadflow bets $118,
fengikareh folds
- grogheadflow wins $336.40 (net +$110.00)
- fengikareh lost $108.40
A 4 table superstar hand. Betsize and timing tells that otherwise get missed.
Looking at my final session, (503 hands,
$1557 in winnings lol heater) there's not too many interesting hands. I just kept making sets and flushes and getting paid by fish. This one though ............. (description beneath)
UTG | Accountant8 | $212.65 | |
UTG+1 | stakks | $283.30 | |
CO | Azn1nvas1on | $267.80 | |
BTN | s2_belzebub | $200 | |
SB | grogheadflow | $469.40 | |
BB | illwill514 | $200 | |
- Pre-Flop ($3, 6 players)Hero is SB

Accountant8 raises to $6,
3 folds, grogheadflow calls $5,
1 fold
grogheadflow checks, Accountant8 bets $10,
grogheadflow raises to $32, Accountant8 calls $22
- Turn ($78, 2 players)

grogheadflow bets $38, Accountant8 calls $38
- River ($154, 2 players)

grogheadflow bets $393.40, Accountant8 calls $136.65
- grogheadflow shows

- Accountant8 shows

- grogheadflow wins $681.05 (net +$211.65)
- Accountant8 lost $212.65
Ok really cool read on this guy is that he always 3bets any strong hand on the flop, especially on a 2 tone. Does it both IP and OOP, and plenty of examples. He has a middling WTSD and basically I feel like I can get his exceedinlgy bet call range IP to fold almost always by the river. Have to admit I was shoving blank rivers, and my feeling is my only 'mistake' in this hand is in not factoring the tilt that might come from having played the following hand a few minutes before.
UTG | Azn1nvas1on | $264.15 | |
CO | s2_belzebub | $203 | |
BTN | grogheadflow | $200 | |
SB | iPoker00 | $284.95 | |
BB | Accountant8 | $200 | |
- Pre-Flop ($3, 5 players)Hero is BTN

2 folds,
grogheadflow raises to $5,
1 fold,
Accountant8 raises to $18, grogheadflow calls $13
Accountant8 bets $26,
grogheadflow raises to $60, Accountant8 goes all-in $182, grogheadflow calls $122
- Turn ($401, 2 players, 1 all-in)

- River ($401, 2 players, 1 all-in)

- grogheadflow shows

- Accountant8 shows

- grogheadflow wins $399 (net +$199)
- Accountant8 lost $200
Re the 76hh hand I messed up my turn betsizing looking back. Maybe another reason he called hmm.... at least I got there anyway.
So yeah happy enough with the turnaround in the day. Lessons learned re sweating while deep. Roll on tomorrow. Btw Pawel/ Zaza etc or anyone else for that matter (Matt) I'd be up for sweats whenever so long as either you're playing or I'm playing only 100bbs. Think I get a lot out of it ...........