You live and you learn. If the saying that 'you learn from your mistakes' is true, then I have learned a hell of a lot these past few 3 days!
Really happy with last month. The technical aspects, the approach, the professionalism. When successful I basically have a set of 'rules'. These rules are not technical aspects of the game any more, I've moved on from that and don't think they are beneficial, but rather rules for the intangible aspects. Things like a 2BI stoploss, no session over an hour, quit as soon as I'm not feeling it, etc.
At times in October I bent these rules slightly. I don't want to be completely constrained at times when I'm doing very well. So, for example, when I'm $600 up after an hour and I'm on a few Jesus seats, I've extended the session to two hours.
I think all of the above rules are slightly flexible, so long as at the time of choosing to bend them I am winning both in the current session and the past few days.
What is definitely not ok is to start carrying this bendiness over to losing weeks, days and sessions. And doing so is directly responsible for me dropping a ton the past 4 days. I started playing some HU, played too long, have been tired and carried on, etc etc.
Kinda furious at myself, but also kinda certain that during the next 28 days of this month my graph is going to rocket. No excuses, no bending the rules. No session over an hour regardless of current result and gamestate. Strict 2 BI stoploss. 6max only. First few sessions to have comprehensive review of the hands here.
[20:44:05] chris conlon: the month starts here!
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