Friday, 20 April 2012

Quick Update

I've been away for the last few days in London. Played a fair amount of live poker and lost £2k or something, alas. UK live players apparently play extremely weird, I've got some hugely tilting hands that I don't even want to talk about for fear of further tilt. Suffice to a say a 90 year old man ran a 300bb bluff on me and showed, and I also incorrectly folded top pair 9 kicker to a £500 overshove into £300, on a 3flush flop followed by a call from a reg....... I fold 3way annoyed and the reg wins with top pair 6 kicker!

I've got a bit of a 200nl Zoom sample now. Good start and hopefully sustainable, people are just playing so badly specifically VS me and my ranges. I won't go into too much detail even in this blog, but suffice to say I do a lot of things completely different to what is standard at the moment. Think I've slayed a lot of online poker 'sacred cows' but again I'll wait for a bigger sample.

After losing and spending so much, and some other life bills, I still feel quite poor. My BR stands at $9k, but with a couple of pending $5k bonuses on both .com and .fr. My months always go from about 20th-20th because of bills and stuff, and so basically my month starts now. A month of solid grinding, 6k hands per day, quitting when tired and nailing the mental game. Throw in a lot of technical discussion with whoever's on skype and this time next month I hope to have a lot of money.

GL all!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

April Plan

I've had a torrid first few days of April. Playing 400nl Euro under-rolled is definitely out now, and I need to get my focus on winning a ton at 200nl Euro for the rest of the month. So back to blogging here regularly, as I always do better when reviewing each and every session.

I need to remember the keys to getting lots of money are: technical side, and mental side. The mental side is so complex, and comprises so many different things to me. Will to win, ability to quit when not feeling it, actual willingness to press the button corresponding to what I think I should press, concentration, and always having that narrative voice in my head that ensures I think through each hand. Ability to recognise frustration for the imposter that it is, etc.

In terms of technical side, I'm reasonably happy. I do very well whenever I remember to stay balanced. I think I 'know' how to play solid and do ok at 200nl. I need to improve VS better regs though, and I'm watching a vid a day and making notes starting today. Those notes will go into a separate blog.

So... it's 3:10pm at the moment. Plan for day:

Play 200nl session now.

4.30pm: Review it in blog.

5:00pm: Watch a vid.

6:00 Pick Nic up.

6:30 Make notes on vid.

7:00 Play another session

8:15 Review it in blog

8.45 Cinema