Friday, 20 April 2012

Quick Update

I've been away for the last few days in London. Played a fair amount of live poker and lost £2k or something, alas. UK live players apparently play extremely weird, I've got some hugely tilting hands that I don't even want to talk about for fear of further tilt. Suffice to a say a 90 year old man ran a 300bb bluff on me and showed, and I also incorrectly folded top pair 9 kicker to a £500 overshove into £300, on a 3flush flop followed by a call from a reg....... I fold 3way annoyed and the reg wins with top pair 6 kicker!

I've got a bit of a 200nl Zoom sample now. Good start and hopefully sustainable, people are just playing so badly specifically VS me and my ranges. I won't go into too much detail even in this blog, but suffice to say I do a lot of things completely different to what is standard at the moment. Think I've slayed a lot of online poker 'sacred cows' but again I'll wait for a bigger sample.

After losing and spending so much, and some other life bills, I still feel quite poor. My BR stands at $9k, but with a couple of pending $5k bonuses on both .com and .fr. My months always go from about 20th-20th because of bills and stuff, and so basically my month starts now. A month of solid grinding, 6k hands per day, quitting when tired and nailing the mental game. Throw in a lot of technical discussion with whoever's on skype and this time next month I hope to have a lot of money.

GL all!

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