I'm on a bit of a losing cycle, so I need to turn that around. Luckily, I have tried and tested methods for doing just that, hence the blog.
When I keep losing, it's usually because of some leak in my mental game. I've been trying to get in 5k hands a day this month, but that volume has come at the cost of not always (or not ever given the lack of sleep) playing my A game. My A game means I actually agonise over each decision, time on it, and then actually press the corresponding button. When I'm in the habit of not playing my A game, I often don't even notice.
Well, now I have noticed, and one of the best ways to get it back is to post every big hand, every session, here for evaluation. So, evaluate the hands, but also evaluate the technical and mental session goals, which are as follows:
1) Play 1 hour max.
2) Time on every decision in a big pot, read through the mental goals before committing to a decision.
3) Have a narrative for every losing hand 'good that variance exists, yada yada'
4) Have a 'video' narrative in my head as I play.
I've done a lot of technical work lately and made a fair few changes. I'll go through these another time, but suffice:
1) Be an animal on the front foot, a huge nit on the back foot.
2) Cbet way less OOP.
3) 3bet blinds a lot more.
4) Attack weak ranges, and escape from strong ones.
5) Stay exploito-balanced.
So I'm going to play an hour now and then review the hands. Probably, I need to drop my 5k hands a day goal and just concentrate on crushing. Possibly, my winrate playing only 2k of excellent hands a day is 2.5x better than the 3bb/100 goal I've set myself playing 5k hands. We'll see eventually..........
Ok review to follow
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