July is the in the bag. As you can see I suffered some all in pain....... but 23 BIs is not a story remotely worth telling, these things happen. The graph is interesting, lost my head for first 10k hands and was stuck $6k, and that was before I started running bad in all-in pots. So the turnaround has been a $12k one and I'm feeling quite confident.
Playing with flopzilla has just opened my eyes to how little people hit boards in certain spots, and the vacuum-ish nature of Zoom has helped in that I've just been attacking every spot where, for example, someone has less than top pair very often. My non-showdown winnings are $3k in the past 17k hands and I feel this means I'm doing something right.
Where some leaks have crept in is pure overconfidence. Extremely light peels preflop, OOP to a 4bet with j8s for example that are just unnecessary and going to be punished without playing perfectly. And although I rate my postflop game the highest it's been for a while at the moment, I obviously play far from perfectly when I flop top pair in such scenarios.
So goal last few days has been to really concentrate on being super solid PF, but then still being a monkey post. I have a list of 8 goals on my desktop which I can't be bothered to copy and paste. Oh ok then I will.........
Success in August!
1) Play 1 hour max.
2) Solid PF, yes you are good postflop, but small PF mistakes lead to huge post mistakes.
3) Board texture/ Non SD approach to poker
4) Expectations- Expect there to be variance including sometimes from bad play! If we go down a few BIs, take a small break.
5) Hugely important that there's no blowouts, quit early if not feeling it.
6) Avoid big reverse equity spots.
7) PF VS Postflop edge!
8) Water, vitamins, no caffeine
I'm trying to Flopzilla analyse a hand after every session as well, even a small pathetic one like this:
$1/$2 No Limit Holdem • 6 Players • PokerStars
Generated by weaktight.com.
UTG | hero | $224.74 | |
UTG+1 | madhatterrrr | $204 | |
CO | HoldemKy5 | $278.80 | |
BTN | Starw!nd | $173.39 | |
SB | Golfdish | $571.91 | |
BB | NCSU2012 | $324.86 | |
- Pre-Flop ($3, 6 players)Hero is UTG
hero raises to $4.50, 2 folds, Starw!nd calls $4.50, 2 folds
- Flop ($12, 2 players)
hero bets $8.59
- Final Pot: $12
I basically am not certain whether villain continues enough on this board to make this a bad 1n done cbet. The board looks scary at first glance, but then people tend to play suited cards and it's >> 3/4 likely that those are not going to be spades. Villain flats 8% on the button, but extrapolating that it'll be tighter VS UTG I've decided to give him ~ 6%, excluding obvious nutted hands.
Hmm, pretty emphatic! He's not folding 78% of the time, meaning I'm burning money.
Weakening the flatting range though makes it ok.........
So VS a more standard/ loose/ bad flatting range including all PPs then we show a profit in a vacuum cbetting here. Should've put KQo in actually so more like 48%, so not great but ok. Moral of the story, give up a lot on boards with high cards to tight cold callers.
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