Only real interesting losing hand was this: - guy had 90% btn range and high cbet and I'm basically just looking to exploit his likely lack of fightback-ability on the flop. He's slightlllllly on the play-happy side though and capable of floating, hence the turn cc. River, I just felt I looked exactly like Jx that wasn't folding, so even though I kinda hated folding to a 90% range, not all of which will value bet the river, his likely respect for my turn cc meant I chose a close fold.
And a winning one........ - pretty interesting one this, and river is imo close between fold call and shove. Fold is of course completely standard, but he just doesn't really have any Kxs in his range other than KJss and KTss....... these were my thoughts in real time, but looking back at the hand now he has 22% open from that position and so in fact does have KsJx as well, so like 6 combos that can call the river. AxKs and QxKs, KsKx would all cc the turn, and it's probably this secret bit of info that he doesn't realise about his own range that enables me to make a credible shove. Call is attractive too, but felt like he might vbet random Jxs and also bet Ax rather than check and have me win the pot like 90% of the time. Flop is standard float, turn may seem light but he cbets way too much with too wide of a range, and this turn card just increased his bluffs at least as much as it improved him, and I still had the option to bluff certain rivers.
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