Friday, 7 March 2014

Games are (not) dead

Since being back at 500 I've been absolutely astounded at some of the bad play from regs. It just makes me realise how much $ there is to be made without 'trying' too hard. Thought I'd make a blog showing some of the worst examples from the past few days....... - ranges, ranges! Man I was so sad to CR get this in on the flop, but felt it was the best of a bad bunch of options. When he shoved, puke, it's like AA or combo draws. Except, no! Having 3bet an early position tight open, get flatted OOP by someone who doesn't really flat a ton, cbet into a strong range and then get CR'd by someone who's check raising into an even stronger range, villain is just like fuck it I'll make the worst shove ever with JJ, a hand that when called has like 12% equity. - this one just for the sizing tell on the turn. Obviously reps a strong range preflop and on the flop, but on the turn with a PSR of 1.5 on a board so wet, there's just no way he doesn't bomb his value hands. Meanwhile, in a vacuum, his drawing hands don't want to bet call or bet fold so have to choose a smaller amount. I was sat there on the turn all like 'man, he CANT be so obvious to actually just have like QT/ clubs/ AQ here' but indeed, he just did. - same vein as hand 1, just puts in all the world's dead money.

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