Man I've been coasting for fucking ages now. Coasting without coasting, if you know what I mean. I keep playing, and sorta thinking, and playing, and playing infinitely more. And heatering, then cooling down again, and thinking about other shit while I'm playing, and making the odd concession to 'stuff to think about' to give myself the illusion that I'm actually fully present in all this shit, and then getting mad, then playing some more, etc etc etc.
I'm fully mad now, but I think for the first time I can see it getting directed in the right way. I'm fucking raging to have spent the last 300k hands losing $16k or something, at the fact that I've showed not enough pride while playing, and at the fact that I'm fucking life broke. This shit is stopping, right now. (Well actually, 30 mins ago prior to my last session).
Intensity is the name of the game. Intensity not just in my concentration, but in the fact that 'poker' as a whole is a cycle of playing, analysing, improving, correcting. I am going to destroy every session that I play from now on, or else what is the fucking point?
I think what is basically happening within my pyshce atm is that I've come off these anti depressents, Cytalopram. They have weird side effects, but their main effect is dulling ur brain to feeling any pain whatsoever. When I first went on them, poker sorta improved, cos I was previously too highly strung and it really helped my tilt problems. Over time though, the inertia of the drug kicked its way into my play. Like, why bother trying to win or play well if you feel good anyway, right? Because of this, I sleep walked my way into Bustoville, which I'd never allowed to happen in 7 years as a professional. I usually have such a strong radar as to when I'm 'in trouble', usually when my BR hovers around the $10k mark.
BR today: $461- and debts to pay. Sure I have £60k equity in a house, but selling it is not a realistic option.
So yeah, I'm off Cytalopram, and because I'm no longer 'depressed' I've had shit tons of energy flowing thru me. I've been unleashing this at football, reverting to the super aggressive style of my youth that I thought had left me forever. Now, smashing people and winning games is nice, but I've struggled to take that energy and do anything with it at poker. I've just felt too 'mad', getting tilted at stupid things like mistakes and bad river cards. was my orignal analysis blog, and re-reading it is fun. The hands are mostly lol by today's standards of play, but you can see the intensity is there and the will to win and improve.
My eye has left the ball, without me realising it. I honestly think that in my mind the past 6 months I've felt more like a pro footballer. Just, at the equivalent level of 2nl. Well fuck that, poker won't be around forever and I still have an amazing opportunity to rape this game for the next few years. Football, drinking, seeing my parents, worrying about life, can all take a backseat now while I direct all this energy into the cycle of eat sleep rape repeat. (Rape has the sub-sections I listed above).
I just played a 30 minutes 100nl session, and had two notepad files open, one for 'strategy thoughts' and one that functions as a 'thought and logic dump', allowing me to lose those rando thoughts that come in and disrupt my ability to implement effectively.
Here's the raw dump of the latter:
Put urself in their shoes, they actually fear us! We can fuck them up once inside their heads
Losing a hand, mistake? there are no mistakes, only points of interest, review the hand later
Instinct- don't worry about remembering to trust it lol, just relaxing and doing it is enough
Thinking ahead
Money won or lost is an illusion, physical symptoms can arise tho like adrenalin. That's all they are.
CR river fail, went against instinct.
Mistake tilt? Or just physical feelings. Again, there are no mistakes. We can learn from trusting our instinct more
mistakes from our opponents, noticing them?
confidence at some decisions, like river calls
checking money, what does it mean?
video a day?
making moves without thinking of range, overly concerned with proteciton when it might lead to me getting raped
can I get over the past? seems i focus on it a lot
And here's the strat thoughts:
30 mins session then review
Pot river in obv bluffcatch spot
Remember our range at all times
Small bets with range advantage
Sizing, using our own sizing on dynamic turns to communicate what we want
PSR, reading ahead
what if the board isn't getting barreled that often?
when cbetting ip, plan ahead the cards to barrel
bluffs on 3flush runouts
deep pots, overbetting becomes a really massive weapon no?
maybe we should just look to be solid, then crush when deep
'what he would do'
OOP as pfr, we just not arsed about giving up a lot right? especially cos we minraise
inflection points
unplayable hands, a9s etc? just shit, right? yeh cos they lose a lot of straight potential
checking a lot OOP
So there's so much to think and talk about. Where to start?
Well first of all, I've been sub consciously having 'fear' without me realising it. The fear has been one of an inferiority complex, even at 100nl, and then rather than addressing that I've tried to 'prove' I'm not afraid by doing stupid things, lol.
I wrote this blog on fear at the start of the year
It's got lots of really good stuff in it actually, and making me realise just how little shit I've been applying of late.
So yeah, how to fix fear? Well, you just inject logic, they're actually more likely to be afraid of us. We're the 500nl regular, we know poker better than they do, we know our own ranges and their ranges better than they do, they have every reason to be afraid! Just reminding ourselves of that is very powerful.
Technically, there's so much stuff I'm not applying. I haven't been handreading well, transitioning ranges from street to street. Simialrly, I haven't considered my own range enough...... and I should do so not as a defensive tactic but rather to ensure I'm putting maximum pressure on at all times. Betting 1/2 on the river for value is properly stupid when, had I considered our range, we end up with infinite bluffs and one or two combos of value. Similarly, I'm going to be missing bluff spots where our range can be handread as infinitely strong. Also on this subject, it means I'm probably giving sizing and PSR tells away by not thinking about my whole range on earlier streets.
One thing I'm very clear about in poker is that taking on too much is a recipe for disaster. Although I have lots of stuff to think about, I have to concentrate on one or two things, and I think handreading, being aware of our range, and planning ahead are going to be those things for now. Mentally, trust instinct kidda!
Goals for next session:
Handread opponents
Handread ourselves
Plan ahead
Trust instinct
I'll grade myself at these, even if it is a bit sad ha.
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