Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Losing Again

I've lost the last 5 sessions or something, and my attitude has been fucking awful. Even after all my consecutive winning sessions, the first of these 5 I just knew with absolute certainty that I was going to lose. Ditto the previous 4. I was in a semi bad mood in all 5, and rather than kick my dog or beat up my girlfriend or whatever normal people do I take it out on myself masochism style by playing sky high variance/ sky high losing poker.

After the latest session today I played a tournament, I ran my 3k starting stack up to 16000 after an hour and a half. Being probably the best A-game player in the field, and also 3rd in chips, I had a real chance of going deep and doing something.

Then I squeezed 72 and showed. Then I cold 4bet AJ and somehow stacked some geezer. Then I spewed all my chips on a J8o bluff or something. All because at random intervals in my life I turn into a massive degenerate loser.

Berating myself like this, and believing it, is the only way to fix it. I just entered another tourny, and will treat the $t amounts like cash. I'm about to load up 5 tables of AP, and will make a video narrating my play to hopefully kick start off another run.

Cash session goals:

have some pride obv

1) Open much less UTG, UTG+1, stop doing massive bluffs when no need
2) Shut down more postflop when OOP, c-call hands and especially don't be value/ fps obsessed. -POSITION!!!!!!!!!
3) 3bet the SB slightly less, but if you can't 3bet because of gameflow then ditch those pretty looking hands unless multiway (and even then, good reasons ie deep or fish involved).
4)Use Baz-esq meditation to be constantly aware of what I'm thinking- if mind drifts get it back on poker sharpish or quit.
5) In postflop spot, apply the 3 aspects of hand reading and don't be afraid to use these to make big calls or big folds.

Tourny Goals:

Treat the $t amounts like cash, play in a 3bet happy cash game style early on but be ready to GU.
Avoid higher variance OOP thinnish postflop spots- early folds
Breathe for 10 before committing tourny life

I'll upload the video just for a record, but I don't expect anyone to watch it so (Martin especially) don't go to the trouble of writing me a page of notes it only makes me feel bad!



Struiks said...

1. Why still playing while being frustrated? Take a break for one week, and play again.. refresh yourself imo

2.What do you mean by;
- and especially don't be value/ fps obsessed

what is being value obsessed?

3.'Whats Baz-esq meditation ? :P


5. "I'll upload the video just for a record, but I don't expect anyone to watch it so (Martin especially) don't go to the trouble of writing me a page of notes it only makes me feel bad"

I saw your previous vid also, so maybe I can watch this vid again, just for your satisfaction/gratification (dont know the correct word in english).

Chris said...

I will watch this video.

Martin said...

Come on dude, dont feel bad. watching vids will help me improve my game. I will watch the vid but wont post notes this time then

Whats Baz-esq meditation? is it the breathing and counting to 10 thing?

Struiks said...

another question:

why not playing on ongame/(new betfair) where you can get 50% rakeback?

Chris said...

This is Baz's website. He posts in forums under bazclef. He has some good ideas about managing tilt. Although he doesn't share them in his blog that much because he plans on coaching it in the future.

Martin said...

awesome thanks for the linky, some pretty cool materials there

Patrick said...

Hey Dan, i obv watched the vid while in Vegas, had some questions that i noted, but i obv lost the note's.
I remember one hand though where you 3bet KTs OOP where you lose to run run flush(i believe it was!)
Flop commes Kxx and you checked, and i was wondering why you didnt just bet the flop but checked instead?

ill prolly watch the vid again, so i will get back at you!
