Sunday, 24 October 2010

FTP Seriousness

16:30 ET on a Sunday. Only four 400nl games running on AP.... if I wasn't convinced before of the need to migrate sites then I am now.

So FTP...... I've played a couple of sessions, one good one bad. I got crushed 12 tabling in the short time I did it, the software's just a touch faster I think, but 9 tabling I was able to do pretty comfortably. I say comfortably, but what is not comfortable is the fact I have no reads whatsoever on the reg population.

It's not just about stats, from the years spent on UB I have an instinctive feel for every reg, not only how they play but also how they think, how they perceive poker and how the perceive me.

At the moment on FT, I'm getting the chess board feeling again in a lot of spots. Do I triple this board, or this guy a Marclar in disguise who's going to call down any pair? Should I give this bluff up, or does the guy perceive his edge in poker to derive from the fact that he folds big hands so much more often than others, say in the style of a Dodgyken? (kidding).

So while I'm comfortable 9 tabling, I can't do it and pick up reads and information on the players I face. So sadly for me a period of 6 tabling 200nl is what I gotta do.... sad, but completely necessary for success I think. There's a chance with a lot of regs that the usually neutrality of villain not knowing my game either is lost given my Leggo stuff, which makes it even more important.

I tell you what, it's hard to resist opening an account in Nic's name actually, not that I would, just that I understand those like Townsend who do.

But anyway, if I have enough 200nl success on FT in the next week or so I'll jump straight to 400nl on there given I'm rolled.

First things first though, I'll start the 6 tabling right away and really try to study every hand that I'm not involved in and try to build up some notes and get a feel for the players.

First session review coming up..........


1 comment:

Martin said...

good luck at 200NL dude, and nice graph below