Monday, 11 October 2010

Session 1

I'm not supposed to check the cashier, nevertheless I won money and for the first time in a week my red line was decently positive. -this hand I had a lot of conflicting ideas. On the one hand I hate checking the turn and allowing him a free look with all his draws (although, on 2nd thoughts, he probably bets them anyway), on the other getting raised is sad but probably doesn't happen that often. Also, calling flop leading turn usually gets zero respect, but then if he's sat there with AJ I doubt he's raising to commit this big.

I notice in Oldjude's quite often he outlines his plan, ie here he'd say 'I'm gonna call the flop and lead the turn and river as I don't expect to get any respect', but then something different'll happen like this commiting raise and he'll happily re-evaluate, whereas I tend to get fish hooked to my plan. It works out sometimes of course, just occasionally a certain turn betsize or timing tell or something should allow me to escape and I don't take the opportunity.

So back to the hand....... I feel like call call call is the best line, given call/ lead/ fold is gay and at least opens the door to the odd bluff. The biggest lesson in this hand though for me, is that PF I should just fold this in the SB to an UTGr.

Positional Awareness: D

I still don't really fold top pair and don't intend to start, but still this spot makes me a little sad. He knows I'm not barrelling this turn a lot with bluffs, he knows I don't fold, he knows he only reps 5x and doesn't have too many of them. I could fold turn, but my religion doesn't allow me to. Having said that call call must be better.

This bastard fish raises all kinds of "dont raise those" type hands on the flop, so I like my plan but he binked and I failed

So I was stuck for quite a bit of this session, luckily (and not for the first time) Carrotsnake came to my rescue with one of his specials .

So my goals remain the same going into session 2........



Chris said...

Wow what is carrotsnake doing!

grog said...

No, you're right, he's reeeeeally good

DODGYKEN said...

Yeah I like folding or 3-betting the KQ. I find on FT that you can generally call twice and fold the river with top pair (unless you have a better read on the guy). I've called so many times knowing that they have missed draws and all that, but most regs at 2/4 just don't seem to triple barrel that light.