7.5 out of 10 in a session is my benchmark. Anything above 7.5 I've played well, anything below I've played badly. I take an index of each session, where (session score- 7.5) = session index. I then cumulatise this session index to create a running performance graph.

As you can see, I've dropped into the red for the month by virtue of the 5.5 score awarded for the last session. You can see that since the first session, my peformance levels plateaued and are now downswinging pretty hard. The goal of the month then is to get this graph as high as possible, and then focus month after month on beating my previous performance levels.
So being in the red means I'm having a bad month.
I'll briefly explain why I'm so upset with the last session, ie why I awarded myself 5.5.
I broke two of current hot potato topics....... these are quit the PF spew, and soulread based on betsizing.
Hand 1: http://weaktight.com/2858555 - yeah yeah, standard so what. NO. From what I knew of him he's quite straightforward. He's definitely never 3bet/5betting smaller pairs, and probably not AQ either. What's more I'm IP, and can play much much better than he can postflop.
I've scrawled this on my wall, and needs remembering. 'There is no edge from light 4bets for value'. Quite the F opposite in fact. What makes me so mad is that my thought process was 'I dont wanna see a flop with TT'. WTF! You have a near premium hand, IP, in a big pot, with a player infinitely worse than you postflop, but you decide to 'get the hand over with' like something Phil **** Laak would do.
Hand 2: http://weaktight.com/2858558 - you know I wouldn't be too sad to stack here. I'd call it a randomiser, fold KK maybe call down here. My plan on the flop was to call, see a blank, then call call, or see a flush card and fold turn or river.
Hurrah though, we have a villain who, drunk on lust for the power of his hand, TELLS ME WHAT HIS HAND IS. We have a guy who, rather than think 'ah, say I had AJcc here, what betsize would I make on the turn, hmm I guess about 220 to leave room for a river shove' instead has a thought process of 'I has the nuts and I want him to shove this, and omg what a big pot I gots to protect my hand'.
So he's without doubt massively unbalanced in making this bet. He might as well have sent me a fucking email with an attached copy of his current fucking screenshot.
And I shove, because fuck knows why.
I was pretty calm at the start of this blog, writing this has got me pretty mad though!
- Soulread hands, and act on that soulread, based on betsizing in conjunction with the board texture and the PSR
- Stop the PF spew for value, flat and see flops.
One more session today before I go pick Nic up. Hopefully that graph goes in the right direction.............
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