- big mistake on the river. Not my plan to shove it per se, but the fact that I didn't re-adjust to his betsize..... I should have soul read him for the nuts and folded. - medium sized mistake on the river, I should check. His range is all draws, any 9 isn't going to call, while any K obviously bets. This is the kind of mistake that gets glossed over, but can easily be as costly as the more standard oops I called the river type mistakes. - a good example of what I'm talking about above. I like the call flop, lead turn line here too. 3betting the flop is just unbalanceable and always the nuts, calling and checking turn lets him see a free heart, so calling flop and leading turn can both be balanced easier and also look pretty FOS. - well played hand in terms of the flop decision. On the flop, the PSR is fine to just check shove this. Not optimal though with room for a bet fold on the turn, so by delaying my move I win more money and thus need it work a lesser % of the time. The turn 7 is interesting, but after much soul searching I decided not to let it change my plan for the hand..... I think letting another card come off in this big a pot at this point would be a mistake. Call it a shove for bluff and protection I spose.
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