Saturday, 11 December 2010

200nl Session Review

Played 4 tables for 55 minutes, played 393 hands, won an amount in line with 5ptbb,

I didn't win or lose more than 45bbs in any hand. My non-SD winnings really suffered in this session, but I think the benefit of 4 tables and utter concentration allowed me to make some biggish folds: - tight OOP flatting range, it's possible that the turn is a fold. I think he bets too big on the river with a nutted hand, in his shoes with TT I'm trying to approximate the bet size to halfway between KQ and a pure bluff. $63 I'm probably looking up with AK, while still folding AJ types. - I planned to 3bet/ call this BvB. The guy flats OOP a lot, though his 4bet stat was relatively low, but I just felt that BvB with the blockers and deeper stacks that any 4bet was going to be a bluff a decent amount. I can probably call/ float/ win VS AK on ~ 55% of boards, but on this rainbow with no heart I think it's a sad flop fold. - I really need to decide in these spots if I want to bet TT-KK every time here, or check them and check some weak aces as well. I'm starting to like the 2nd option especially IP. Villain had a tightish flat OOP range too, but looseish stats and knowing nothing about him I kinda wished I'd looked him up as he has a great spot to float OOP and lead the river with all bluffs. I don't know if anyone else thinks like that though.... again I should've maybe found out. - squeezing's a funny old game. I call this most of the time, but lately I really hate squeezing KQo, AJo etc and I'd much rather have this hand VS a calling range. Timed on the flop bet, but I think it's mandatory given 88-TT types, plan was to shove turn so he saved me some money if he had say a pair and a heart out.

I'm going to play several more 4 table sessions of 200nl, really hammering in this approach before I tread back to 400nl.


1 comment:

Chris said...

Bet/fold the Ak. Tight doesn't mean you can't get value from QJs and KQ. It does mean you can fold easily if you get raised. Also, by checking back you are inducing bets from a strong range that you can't call, but also allowing him to bluff you off the best hand by turning his weaker part into a bluff imo.