- this hand I'm happy until the turn. I hadn't done anything in the session 3bet wise, and so gameflow-wise I felt I had a decent enough read on his play in 3bet pots to warrant this move PF. Villain had previously raised huge/ called 2nd pair on flop in a 3bet pot to commit himself, folded a decent amount and called the one time he had top pair.
On the flop then to this raise size I think I'm good a decent amount, and the mistake was in flatting the raise OOP. Something Sauce said that reached me via like 3rd hand was that OOP, for the most part, if he feels he has an equity edge then he's not just flatting raises OOP and allowing the positional advantage to assert itself over 2 more streets. Especially in non-WAWB spots, (but not specifically), and on this board if I'm going with the hand I need to just shovel money in to his raise and not flat and get owned. Lesson learned...........
1 comment:
Exactly right - we can't be flatting oop in spots like this because it lets them play so well. Shiparoony. Or fold if you think his range is really tight (not gonna happen often, but sometimes).
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