My month so far.....
A few weeks ago, I remember having some conversation about playing deep, and how comfortable I am with it as the AP games of old were all deep.
These stats suggest differently, and I think I need to face up the possibility that that I'm really misreading stuff in a lot of deep pots. Although I feel happy enough, and maybe I could just tighten up or whatever, I think I just have to start buying in for 100bbs and think about leaving tables where I approach 200bbs.
The chance that I'm wrong about being comfortable, and thus these stats actually being representative, comes to just too high a price.
This hand http://weaktight.com/3225986 is I think the last straw. I thought about it and went with my instincts, which PF, flop and turn were screaming weakness. River, it's hard to put me on a flush draw that check called down, and I infer from this he's more likely to bluff than say keep value betting AA/ set this strong.
Oh and PF's probably a fold obviously, but these are the scrapes I get into this deep, and there's just no need to put myself though the variance and potential negative winrate when I feel so comfortable 100bbs deep right now.
Some more deep disasters:
http://weaktight.com/3225996 - villain very bluff happy, potentially 3bet bluffing, but still I hated myself as I see raise getting in NNFDs as a huge leak for the most part.
So I'll set my BI amount to 100bbs for now, and maybe come back to an overall deep strategy later on.
Oh and about that thread, I emailed FTP myself and got this reply:
Hello Dan,
Please also note that Poker Table Ratings is not permitted during play.
As you brought this issue to our attention, no action will be taken now. However, any repeat violations may lead to having your account permanently closed and any outstanding balance forfeited to compensate victims.
For more information on our policies about third-party software or website use on Full Tilt Poker, please visit: http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/prohibited_programs.php
This link also contains a list of allowed and banned programs - if you are interested in using a program not listed, please let us know and we will confirm if it is allowed.
Please also note that as you are a black card member, you should email our dedicated black card support team: blackcard@fulltiltpoker.com in relation to any query - we aim to respond to an email within 30 minutes.
If there's anything else we can help you with, please feel free to ask. We're always here to help.
Poker Specialist
Full Tilt Poker Support
So according to that webpage you can't share hand histories with a community or exchange a hand history with a friend under any circumstances? Seems like everyone needs banning.
I'm going to throw you in a river this weekend.
2+2 lol at that stuff.
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