Friday, 4 February 2011

Session Review # 2

Hands: 1924
Net: $219
EV: $55

Regardless of the small net, this was a successful session. Basically because in pots > 190bbs I lost $700, and made it all back and more in the smaller pots. I lost my head once all session and lost 200bbs, which I'm angry about but I believe is going to be the exception and not the rule.

In terms of generalities, it's important that my overall mindset remain one of calm and not try to push things too early. I was also very conscious of not making light peels, and I'm back in the routine of CRing rivers with value hands I don't think are good in the right spots.

My cliffs of how to win at poker right now:

3bet a lot
Stay happy
Trust instincts
Don't get in big pots and give up
Cbet a lot
Oh, and be just a little tighter PF- 12tabling at 28/24 is not easy

So par for this session was probably around what I earned.

Next session now, 1250 hands......

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