I think I've let a big leak sneak it's way in. Bit of a simple one, but I'm playing way too much OOP. Most commonly, flatting the blinds with a button cold caller, or as the cold caller with a hand like 87s VS mp.
Similarly, PF to 3bets OOP with an equity edge I just need to shovel money in. Looking through my hands I have way way too many spots flatting QQ OOP and getting into a ton of trouble. I've also let fundamentally bad stuff sneak in like cbetting OOP no equity and check raising turns, and basically it can't really hurt me right now to just refuse to play OOP.
Usually when I address this leak then I start to let the odd thing creep back in, and there is of course some room for it, but in general I should really try to stick being the tightest player at the table OOP and biggest monkey IP.
I made a vid recently, thanks everyone for your thoughts really appreciated them. 3 of you had a look, if any of you want to read each other's thoughts then let me know.
BR wise with life expenses I'm back to 200nl for a while. Plan for the next 5 days is to try and get some consistency with regard performance and hit the ground running for April. March is officially designated a train wreck I think............
nice shot of thomas the train. march a trainwreck for me as well sir. hope things improve for you.
Hi Dan. Its me Nikolay.You remember me? You coached me like year ago. Im now move to 400nl. can i contact you somehow?
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