Sunday, 24 March 2013

Review Time

A couple of losing sessions in a row, so I need to play a session where I take my time over everything and then review here....... I usually find this a great way to nip downswings in the bud before they escalate into 25 BIs etc.

Review to follow.......session will be strictly 25 minutes long.


Bleh, not a good session! Looking through the hands, it's clear I could've saved *some* money, but I just simply didn't win over $25 in any particular hand. 'Not winning hands' can get endemic, which is why I've endeavoured to loosen up my image a ton through (potentially breakeven in a vacuum) flop raises, turn check raises, etc etc. Unfortunately, if the situations don't come up then they don't come up.

I certainly could've folded this river (although Sauce would not have done). One thing I need to learn to balance is that..... the mode of play whereby we make plenty of bluffs does not disqualify us from also making the same number of obvious folds that we did previously. It does enable us to get in the money lighter, but only in spots where we are the aggressor, ie we can suddenly treble tp3k for a value in a 3bet pot. Spots like the above, especially on the river are just *classic* ssnl folds all day.

So yeah, I'm all about being very hard on myself at the moment, but I think this session and the ones preceding it are simply about pure runbad in the 'not having good situations' sense. I'm going to endeavour to fold more rivers though, but just continue to do what I'm doing and grind through it.

I'll play another 60 minute session after a short break. Goals are to time on decisions, have a video narrative on medium-big decisions, and probably look to fold rivers more. Review to follow.

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