Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Session #2

Lost $130 or so, but an ubercooler accounted for all that btn-sb QQ vs KK. Although, maybe it's not that much of a cooler, I need to start 4betting a ton there probably to be thrilled getting in even QQ at Zoom these days with the lack of dynamics. But meh, still a cooler, he was like 13% from that spot.

Lost with 33 on t32r A too a big pot, and then bottled calling the river here . Yes it doesn't look like a call, but I had strong spidey senses on this guy, but my desire to play solid meant I folded......... I like the turn bet by the way in case anyone's wondering.

Basically a load of sorta unavoidable big pots totalled $230, and I lost only $130, and so kinda happy.

For session 3, plan is just more of the same, avoid making mistakes and keep looking for spots to apply pressure.

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