Or maybe not fold the turn, I guess I can have AQ. AQ is a fold for me there though in his shoes. Lets look at all the possible scenarios for him.
a) I'm on a pure float. Pretty unlikely. If I am, then I'm very likely shoving the river, and he should be aware of this. So, he's not calling 50 into 100. He's calling 350 into 100.
b) I hit my flush. Again he's not making a small mistake calling 50 into 100. He's calling 350 into 100!
c) I have a weaker ace. I guess this makes a turn call ok. It's really really really NOT ok though if he then calls the river.
http://weaktight.com/2643311 - megafish. DEEP. Shut eyes, pray, call.
http://weaktight.com/2643313 - this is obviously ridic spewy in a vacuum. I had decently sick reads though. He played 46/30, cbet all the time EXCEPT whenever he hit a pair, in which case he checked. Even top pair good kicker etc. I didn't just want to raise the flop as he was crazy enough to shove something, and inducing a turn bet means my bluff has to work less often and is thus more profitable.
As for goals. Felt happy, no reverse equity (though probably wasn't really tested) and I didn't spew PF.
Next session coming up..... dan
1 comment:
Not a fan of the QJ hand personally. But I guess this is what you do when you are playing at your best.
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