I stumbled over this random thread......
It's from around the time I joined Leggo. In it, they're discussing one of my old graphs that is basically all non showdown winnings. Ie, showdown winnings are at zero, but my non-SD line climbs at a steady, almost variance free pace making up 100% of my decent sized profits.
Somewhere along the line this stopped happening. I realised that for this to be true, I must be playing way way way more different now to then, and judging by results definitely much worse.
Seeing the graph, I went and read some old blog posts of mine, and a ton of stuff came back to me. Not just raw poker knowledge, but an attitude that I would take into every session and every hand. I was convinced by the fact that making folds is just stupid, don't get hung up over big folds when reciprocally they won't fold either. Instead, make all your money by not giving up on hard earned money that's in potentially winnable pot. The all in button works wonders....
Seems a bit simplistic? Well obviously it is, but applied properly it served me well. It's not just about ramping up the aggression...... I do that all the time to spewy effect. It actually means I cbet less..... but when I do put a bet in on the flop or especially the turn, come hell or high water that pot is going to be mine, or my opponent is risking his stack to win it. I avoid RE spots like the plague, and (probably) most importantly am constantly aware of the pot-stack ratio and how this is going to relate to right of last initiative. This means I'm not bet folding much in medium to big size pots, instead I'm bet calling, CRAI or shoving over bets.
Also important is being pretty fearless about repping hands, and being even more fearless about turning pairs into bluffs when the situation demands it.
So anyway I moved to my Catwotisadog account for fresh start reasons, and so far this month am showing success.

I really believe that if I can just balance my play enough to keep the blue line above breakeven, then the consistency that's eluded me for so long is just around the corner. This has all been 9 tabling too which is cool, I'm finding it a lot easier than in the past by following a few simple PF and flop rules, allowing me to make snap folds and quickly focus my attention where it's needed.
By the way, I don't have any UB regs reading this, but I know some readers know some UB guys, just do me a favour and don't show them this post or copy and paste it to them or whatever please, purely for paranoia reasons obviously but I don't want another ZOMG everyone's seen my videos/ read my blog thing going on.
Some favourite hands
http://weaktight.com/2671922 - he fold N showed AK !
http://weaktight.com/2671927 - I have the best hand sometimes here, but that's not the point. He has an ace a ton of the time, and it's cool I get to rep trip 7s while he's basically calling to win half the pot at best on this dry of a board.
http://weaktight.com/2671930 - just another spot where despite the top pair, it's practically worthless and I can just snap all in for $$$$$$$$$$$$
Oh WSOPE next week, anyone going??? Chris?
Yay more blogs! I skimmed that thread a little and the best thing in it by far is "Halt - Hammerzeit"!
I might now try and focus on some good spots to turn hands into bluffs, although I swear to god most people just call on Full Til even when I haven't bluffed in three months against them.
Oh also - I'm in London from Fri night on the 24th until late afternoon on the 26th with Lucy. I'm also meeting up with pdonk and her new buddy ......... guigui88. Boyakasha.
Cool cool, wasn't there some love triangle involving her, Gui, and SUFFER? I'm going this week sometime, maybe Tuesday but definitely Friday, then I'll come back around the 26th for the EPT....... I called Gui ( and I quote) a 'Mosquito Leech Bug' in a thread recently, I might throw in some praise to make it less awkward
You only blog when your losing. Blog when your losing!!!!!
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