Much happier. I'm not tilted in any way I'm pretty sure. Hard to devise a sure-fire way of knowing, but the best way I can describe it is that my unconscious mind goes completely blank when it comes to poker. So say I'm in a hand, I can be very consciously trying very hard to focus on that hand, but all the stuff that usually goes on in the back of my mind breaking down ranges and coming up with creative ways to play the hand, and telling me when I'm beat and why, is instead just focussed on something else, like rage and stuff. I think anyway!
Shame I had to drop so much in this small period. I can only forget about it and move on. 200nl again until I'm rich enough to play 2-4 without worries.
Instead of 45 minute sessions, I'm going for 500 hand sessions. This will avoid the tilt I get early on in a session when I can't get on a table for love nor money.
In terms of goals........
No PF spew
No reverse equity, fold flops
Be happy and relaxed, enjoy it.
Results to follow.........
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