Oh well here goes. Since my last couple of blogs I played 4 sessions of 200nl, winning them all. I was extremely keen to win, and stuck to my goals with distinction.
Then something went wrong. Specifically playing very light headed for much longer than the usual 55 minutes. I find myself caught up again in my short term monetary results, rather than
the much more noble goal of playing a session of maximum length of 55 minutes, clear headed, while keeping in mind the technical goals as laid out beforehand.
I need direction. I desperately want to force myself to play 30k hands of 200nl over the next 10 days, but doubt the strength of my resolution in doing so. I think I touched on the answer though.... the goal itself has to be the things laid out above, not the monetary amount.
Ok here goes, I'm adding a widget to my blog. The widget is currently a picture of a blank graph. The graph will change until it reaches 30k hands. I'll update the widget every day, maximum of 2 days without changing it.
Should I fail to do this, then with Jesus (I'm not religious btw, I could easily substitue nanonoko in there) as my witness my dog shall catch kennel cough and die a tortuous death. So just to be clear;
NO 400nl until 30k hands of 200nl.
OFTEN updating of the widget pic.
STOP session at 55 minutes in length (timer starts once I'm sat at all tables).
Or the dog dies.
(yes this is him sharing a meal with my bunnies)
Widget, he's got a widget, a lovely widget, a widget he has got.
Nice video, the black rabbit s cool. GL dude
Can you change the pic to nanonoko. It's a tad disconcerting for me every time I load up the blog.
love the black rabbit. reminds me of my once beloved one ;(
Ye why is it called a widget? I searched for that song Dodgy on youtube to no avail.
I've had a few comments about the rabbit. Hmm, the POINT IS that LOOK, THEY'RE LIVING TOGETHER IN HARMONY. The dog, descendent of wolves and arch eater of small jumpy livestock is happily tucking into a meal of rabbit brunch, while the supposedly clichéd scared rabbits aren't scared at all!
whatevs dan
The widget song was for some beer (maybe John Smiths) back in the day. Legendary advert (pre Sky + and I no longer watch adverts).
I appreciated the point of the clip but didn't comment as it's kind of too gay for words.
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