Friday, 15 October 2010

One Third The Way There

Played ~ 10k of the 30k hands now, and I'm over halfway towards my $ goal. Had another good day today, but started to worry slightly when I felt the old lack of ambition creep up on me.

How do I describe this? It's like....... the regs at 200nl are just so much worse than the regs at 400nl+. Suspicious in all the wrong spots, calling flop to always fold the turn, horrendous betsizing tells, and worst (best?) of all simply can't value bet to save their lives. Life 12 tabling 200nl at the moment seems stunningly easy, and I need to shake myself out of that mindset as soon as these 30k hands are done.

So around the 22nd October my 30k hands will be complete and I can return to 400nl. My plan at that point is to try and have a really sick week up until the 28th, have the weekend off and maybe go Brighton with Nic or somewhere, and then really hit the ground running in November and aim to win the 400nl UGL PTR thing. I'm going to take prop bets on achieving this at around 9/1, hoping to book around $4k action on my end.

I won't lie, taking such a prop bet does set you up for a massive fall....... egg on the face palpable as I start the month off with the usual $10k downer, but we'll see.

Hands - this just an example of what I'm talking about when I harp on about big early folds. 4 way, no chance of improvement, I could do something cool with KJ in this spot planning to win the hand, but with actual non-improveable showdown value the earlier I get out of this spot the better. - sorta cool HU hand - mandatory carrotsnake stackage - bad river bluff, I was kinda wedded to winning this hand but on this exact river card I need to shut down. In retrospect I would've check called actually it's a cool spot for it.



Chris said...

I actually looked at all the hands today. LOL at hand 1. What the fuck. LOL again.

Martin said...

i dont get hand 1 neither, this has got 2 be the biggest fold i ve seen u done. keep winning dude