Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Session Review

Still struggling along at the moment. $7k under EV for the year, and then the confidence issues that result, have left me pretty poor. I NEED to write more of these blogs I think, I've been stuck in a bit of a grinder's rut 'get in dems hands' which isn't healthy. Well, it might be healthy for a while, like if you find a style that works and hammer it, but eventually things and regs change and some adjustment might be needed.

I think for a while at 200 I was hammering the 'fold everything, make the nuts' style, but I'm sure I'm not imagining things when I say lately I'm finding it a little difficult to get paid off. I think my image has probably just evolved to the point where every check raise gets a snap fold, every 4bet a snap fold. I basically haven't been very balanced, just relying on coolering people and then avoiding the re-coolers.

The other problem with this style is, that it's a bit 'card dependent' if you know what I mean. I don't sit down expecting to print money, I just hope I'll get some semi cooler situations and then make the big folds in reverse. Consequently WWSF has gone under 50 the last month, down to 45 or so. Red line (red herring a lot obv but still) winnings also plummeting at a large rate.

Where I'm going with this, is that I want to change my in-game outlook slightly to have more of a 'non showdown' mentality. This doesn't just mean start going crazy, but it does mean planning the hand with an eye on winning without showdown at some point. Playing one session like this felt much better, I was much more vigilant in looking for good situations rather than just going through the motions.

Thinking through the hand probably takes care of a few PF leaks as well, overcalling KQo in SB when the postflop situations are mostly pretty poor for us, etc. - important to pick my opponents better! But yeah, I think in the past I just try to show this down or something. Weak flop CB and weak turn bet though and it's just a good river bluff spot VS most when we bomb it.

So yeah, that's it for now. Just going to get more sessions in and keep reviewing and try to turn this around!


Unknown said...

Do us a favour grog, keep updating and I'll keep commenting (though more insightfully if you would like some deeper analysis on my opinion of your play. 1 more problem, I'm not a winning player lol. But in general, my mind is racing at the mo (when it comes to poker) and I feel the game's opening up for me. So you never know I might give you something. Though I might not :)

1 point on the 'card dependent' thing. Like i said, I'm not a winning player (i'm just studying to be a winner player) but it doesnt seem to me the correct way of approaching a situation (I literally cant elaborate on that today. But in a month or 2, now I've written it down I might be able to).

In the same way, I'm not saying looking to have a non-showdown mentality is incorrect. More that it would seem that to just think of a session in that way would be neglecting an opponents' (and your) ranges.

grog said...

It's not about neglecting ranges, but it is about looking for spots where his range is weak enough that we need to attack it. It's just something that's crept into my game, I play a flop with the intention of working out if I have the best hand and taking it from there, and don't do enough of 'he capped his range, so we're gonna bomb turn and win always'. I will keep updating, think it's necessary atm to be honest. Appreciate your comments