Saturday, 21 August 2010

First Session Again

Lost $117. Made at least $400 of clear mistakes, lets look at why.

Being aware of reverse equity situations- fine 10/10

Tighter opening UTG, UTG+1- fine 10/10

Not spewing PF with 4bets 100bbs deep, and light 3bet/5bets with not enough of a reason for them. -

10th or so hand of the session: SIGH. My history with Iketoys is that he previously used to 4bet bluff me a lot, not I think he's downright stopped as I was going through a strong 3bet/5bet stage. Here I fuck up badly, as I don't expect to be 4bet a lot and want to be flatted with dominated Ks and Qs and seize the initiative. Then he 4bets, and I forget my 'not spewing PF' thing immediately and jam.

I hate flatting in the SB to a single open raise, but I guess the answer is that if I'm ever going to do it, AQ is the hand to do it with. Either that or 3bet fold. Essentially it's just basic polarisation I'm lacking in this spot, and need to be flatting hands like this more.

Applying plenty of pressure in small and medium sized pots, but remembering that what often separates a lagtard from a decent player is the ability to recognise as early as possible when a bluff has failed. - I don't mind the 3bet VS this guy. Opens 24% UTG, flats everything, slightly fishy, I'm ahead of his flatting range PF. My plan on the flop is to set up a turn shove on any broadway or diamond. I think though that the 3d specifically is a TAD optimistic, as he probably talks himself into a call with 77-99 and any diamond. I should be looking for the turn to go check check and then either spike or bluff a K or possibly a Q. Instead I landed a gigantic fail. 2/10

Bobbo-esq cbet strategies as a default- fine 10/10

4 tables, time on decisions- fine 10/10

Solid in big pots. That doesn't mean play like a nit, it means having strong relative strength hands when a lot of money goes in.- 5/10 - this guy bluffs a lot and flats everything. We're also fairly deep, so a CC line to induce bluffs and minimize losses was best I think. This morning I probably bet bet shove.

What does he expect me to do? - 7/10, could improve, need to ask it every street of every hand.

Plan 3 barrels around the PSR. - 10/10

So in summary for this next session, improve on the PF spew first and foremost. Not shoving turns on virtual blanks again should be a given.....

Results to follow!

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