3 Sessions- all horrible resultswise.
a) Played day of festival
Hands: 308
Net: $776
http://weaktight.com/2570584 - only surefire mistake was PF OOP 100bbs deep without a proven read of light 3betting. Pretty big mistake though.
http://weaktight.com/2570586 - I gotta say of these 3 sessions, I'm certain I've ran really really bad in all kinds of ways, as well as playing bad in other spots. With any non-board pairing card being a scarecard, I still couldn't fold this river.
http://weaktight.com/2570594 - I'm still playing pretty animaltastic postflop, and wouldn't hate this VS some regs, sensing plenty of turn weakness. Again though, without a solid enough read that he'd definitely shove said hand on the turn I should be playing a waiting game. Shoving either way was a mistake on that particular card, I have the best hand or he decided to commit with a J on the turn.
http://weaktight.com/2570598 - turn could be thin, but it's important to be betting these supposed scarecards with a wide range VS regs who I play a ton VS. On the river he mostly has a bluff catcher, and my range is more polarised with an overbet yada yada.
b) Played last night
Hands: 300
Net: $872
Some pretty bad coolers and suckouts, but on the whole to many posts in the 50-75bb region lost. So...
http://weaktight.com/2570601 - player was new to the table. It later transpired he flats t4s OOP. I should know this before 3betting him with the kind of range I should be saving for the 4bet-or-fold types. PF mistake then.
http://weaktight.com/2570602 - so hard to quantify calling this turn, it just depends on a ton of stuff.
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 26.877% 26.88% 00.00% 816 0.00 { 9c9s }
Hand 1: 73.123% 73.12% 00.00% 2220 0.00 { KK+, AJs+, KQs, KTs, AKo, AcQh, AdQh, AhQc, AhQd, AsQh, AcJh, AdJh, AhJc, AhJd, AhJs, AsJh, KJo+, QcJh, QdJh, QhJc, QhJd, QsJh }
With some very generous bluff assumptions, I'm not doing great and what's more I can make a big mistake on the river. Sad face fold.
http://weaktight.com/2570609 - just horrible tilty PF play.
c) Played today
Hands: 385
Net: $251
http://weaktight.com/2570614 - knight boat is a really bad reg. Checking the turn is iffy in hindsight, but to someone like him a raise flop (clicked it back for Martin obv!)/ check turn/ shove river is going to look more like a bluff. He never has QQ+ either, based on a flop betsizing tell, so his calling range is JT/QJ/KJ/AJ, of which I'd expect more QJs and KJ, giving me way over 50% but gah.
http://weaktight.com/2570617 - a relative hand strength one. PF maybe a slight mistake as even with the 72 bounty a 4 person table doesn't cut it. His 3bet in the blinds was like 15% though.
I have to make a commitment decision on the flop, assuming a blank turn. After stoving, I need quite a few combinations of bluffs to be able to call down, and in hindsight they probably don't exist and I should fold flop. My read on his betsizing is such that any turn is getting shoved, and I thought plenty of KJ/ QJ etc might get played this way when in reality he's probably check shoving or check folding.
Tempting though it is to label that hand terrible, stove-wise my hand is very similar to JJ, I'm just sad I wasn't able to go with my betsizing read and make a biggish flop fold.
So my goals for forthcoming sessions:
- Keep to 4 tables, slow down on every decision, spend the time between hands analysing reads and then correct adjustments.
- Pay much more attention to betsizing on every street, use in conjunction with other things such as PSR and board texture to soulread hands and make big calls and folds.
- What does he expect me to do with my perceived range?
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