The process feels a lot like this game:
As in, no sooner do I work on a certain leak then another previously fixed leak from the past again rears its worm-like head. So suddenly I'm like ok stop spewing in 3bet pots, and then I find myself opening 64s UTG again. Or I learn to give up the occasional bluff, but lo and behold I've slipped back into auto pilot 6 tabling again. If only I can get everything together at once then I'm due another massive upswong.
In no particular order, these are the things that not doing has caused me trouble in the past month.
- Being aware of reverse equity situations- equity VS flop range isn't enough of a reason to call OOP with little chance of hand improvement with two streets left to play and bad decisions yet to be factored in.
- Tighter opening UTG, UTG+1.
- Not spewing PF with 4bets 100bbs deep, and light 3bet/5bets with not enough of a reason for them.
- Applying plenty of pressure in small and medium sized pots, but remembering that what often separates a lagtard from a decent player is the ability to recognise as early as possible when a bluff has failed.
- Bobbo-esq cbet strategies as a default, unless very good reason not to.
- 4 tables, time on decisions.
- Solid in big pots. That doesn't mean play like a nit, it means having strong relative strength hands when a lot of money goes in.
- Don't fold in big pots.
- What does he expect me to do?
- Plan 3 barrels around the PSR.
These 10 will do for starters. I'm back on session reviews and grading sessions based on the above 10. So 45 minute session coming up, and a very thorough review to follow using the above as grade criteria.
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