Net: $170
A key part of my analysis from this point on will be to analyse hands from my opponents point of view, so that I can better identify mistakes. -I used to do this in his shoes. These days though the sure sign of a bad reg is one who 4bet folds the SB... it just doesn't happen, and he shouldn't perceive any FE and against my 4bet call range he's just annihilated. - pretty sad that I got bluffed here, especially with the mass of reads I had on the guy at the time from just a smallish amount of hands. Basically I had previously seen him bet small with the nuts and check top pair type hands after taking his time. And he's a bluffy So, he's soooo polarised here when he snap bets every street without even thinking. Sad I didn't/ couldn't call, and should've gone with my read. - I had a few of these that really leaked money. I feel like I get flatted OOP a fair amount, and need to be 3betting more playable hands quite simply. - this seems spewy, but I went with my assumptions. He'd 3bet a couple of times of just 20 hands. It's a 72 table, he gave the $27 betsize tell! 32 of his combinations make up either AK or 72, with 18 making QQ+. Given this, I felt I could play fairly perfectly postflop given his less than 100bb stack. With the dead money, I can CR this and fold out/ have shove AK and 72 enough of the time and with enough equity to show a profit I'm sure if I did the maths.
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