Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Allowed myself a sneak peek at my results as I felt I'd ended the month strongly. $5k up from the bottom, and into +EV for the month so a happy finish to a nightmare 29 days. Head down now for March, take each day 1 at a time, play and play and play, talk to Dodgeball about hands, rinse repeat, hopefully win money. I unlock a ~ $5k .fr bonus end of this month if I get the hands in so with some semblance of a respectful month I'll have a decent roll for April.
Edit: shaved another $1k off it just before midnight. treble this? 18/16, no reads as I don't play stars. 15% open from this position.
Other interesting hands .......... I like this line sometimes, river 2nd nuts, CC. Gets stuff turned into bluffs, loses us less the times we bet call VS a flush, or stops us getting bluff shoved on. The fact that all regs have a river inflection point is my favourite realisation in years Arnoud Mattern is this guy. Wins a lot at tournys and .fr pro. He value bet AK hi to my AQ hi once in EPT London that I qualified for. He loses heavily at cash games. I've remembered how to bluff the last few days. same guy, another 'repping flush = not flush' one for Dodgy.
Hope everyone did well in Feb, and beyond.
Friday, 24 February 2012
What Now?
Still no luck with regards results, both in the fact I'm still thinking about them, and that the reason I'm thinking about them is that they're so bad!
I don't think I'm playing 'bad', certainly not $11k bad for the month. But I'm starting to worry about my lack of reciprocal edge VS the regulars. Yes they do weird and for me somewhat bad things, but their badness serves to confuse me more than anything. - take this hand, I mean it's not great. Depends on things like does he vbet turn depolarised etc, but we're probably not folding AA in a 100bb 3bet pot too often. There's no edge to the hand though, certainly no reciprocal edge. I'd play t8s the same way in his shoes, and he'd certainly find some way to stack with AA postflop.
This is a long way of saying that I need to know and act more on my opponent's tendencies. Maybe VS some there is a way to fold AA in this hand. I'm playing well I think in a very generic GTO sorta sense, but I've lost sense of my individual opponents. Not just their vacuumous plays, but like the way they think about poker and how they think about me, from which I can extrapolate things like 'time to make an extremely non standard call/ fold' based on XYZ.
I was doing this for a few successful few months in September. Yes it probably coincided with a heater, but I can't just do on the way I am without making at least subtle changes and expect things to be different. 4 tables from now on, with a heavy focus on getting reads and thinking about ways to extrapolate and exploit people based on this stuff. #gameplan
I don't think I'm playing 'bad', certainly not $11k bad for the month. But I'm starting to worry about my lack of reciprocal edge VS the regulars. Yes they do weird and for me somewhat bad things, but their badness serves to confuse me more than anything. - take this hand, I mean it's not great. Depends on things like does he vbet turn depolarised etc, but we're probably not folding AA in a 100bb 3bet pot too often. There's no edge to the hand though, certainly no reciprocal edge. I'd play t8s the same way in his shoes, and he'd certainly find some way to stack with AA postflop.
This is a long way of saying that I need to know and act more on my opponent's tendencies. Maybe VS some there is a way to fold AA in this hand. I'm playing well I think in a very generic GTO sorta sense, but I've lost sense of my individual opponents. Not just their vacuumous plays, but like the way they think about poker and how they think about me, from which I can extrapolate things like 'time to make an extremely non standard call/ fold' based on XYZ.
I was doing this for a few successful few months in September. Yes it probably coincided with a heater, but I can't just do on the way I am without making at least subtle changes and expect things to be different. 4 tables from now on, with a heavy focus on getting reads and thinking about ways to extrapolate and exploit people based on this stuff. #gameplan
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Session 23 - Villain 49/31 fish with river agg % of 63% over 8 samples. I was gong to CRAI flop, yes he doesn't bet fold anything worse but it's better than betting as we win a flop stab and if he jams over our bet it's kinda a sick spot given his PF range. I could maybe jam turn with so little behind, ie maybe should protect VS his air at this point. If he always bluffs river though probably not. - made at myself for this one, went against my flop instinct and called the raise. He reps nothing, and is capable of bluffs, but his raise size etc told me to fold. Blah. - this one happened before the above, and I did follow my instinct here. This guy is always 4betting AK VS me, and I was just sooooo sure he was bluffing on the flop that I just couldn't lie down. He flats 3bets 46% of the time and VS such a range there's not a lot of sets. If I commented on someone else doing this I would say bad, but meh in the moment was happy enough. Maybe I'm being results oriented though. - this hand also annoyed me. Sometimes, there's a good reason to do the same with value and air that goes beyond balance and is just good even in a vacuum. Here, barrelling air is bad as he can have Ax and Kx tons and our frequencies would be like mental. Barreling Kx though is also bad, he has less Kx and we look so strong that Ax potentially goes away, as do OOP floats like JT QJ etc. Blah.
Apart from that though was happy. I drank a monster drink which is very short termist of me but basically gets me super hyped up and concentrated for a session. Mental side was good, I lost this early hand and usually I might start questioning my ability etc, but I went through the motions before cbetting and I'm just completely happy with the squeeze and the cbet (initial raiser reg who folds, caller tight passive fish who also folds). Slowly getting out of being results oriented, I hope, but the test will be when I go on a real bad stretch. Again though, we expect bad stretches, they happen, and our job in those times is to minimise our losses through good play.
I'm going to add some life chores here 'cos if I don't write em down somewhere I'll never get em done. Some things have just been screaming out to be done for weeks now........ tomorrow in between sessions I must:
send off car registration document
go to bank, pay in some cash
pay off parking ticket
clean out rabbits
I'll leave my goals at those for now. They should take me like an hour. For some reason everything just stops when I'm not winning. When I'm winning, house is clean, bills paid, dogs fed. When I'm not, everything goes dark, phone goes off, parents go un-seen. Would be nice to break that habit as part of my mental progression................... - made at myself for this one, went against my flop instinct and called the raise. He reps nothing, and is capable of bluffs, but his raise size etc told me to fold. Blah. - this one happened before the above, and I did follow my instinct here. This guy is always 4betting AK VS me, and I was just sooooo sure he was bluffing on the flop that I just couldn't lie down. He flats 3bets 46% of the time and VS such a range there's not a lot of sets. If I commented on someone else doing this I would say bad, but meh in the moment was happy enough. Maybe I'm being results oriented though. - this hand also annoyed me. Sometimes, there's a good reason to do the same with value and air that goes beyond balance and is just good even in a vacuum. Here, barrelling air is bad as he can have Ax and Kx tons and our frequencies would be like mental. Barreling Kx though is also bad, he has less Kx and we look so strong that Ax potentially goes away, as do OOP floats like JT QJ etc. Blah.
Apart from that though was happy. I drank a monster drink which is very short termist of me but basically gets me super hyped up and concentrated for a session. Mental side was good, I lost this early hand and usually I might start questioning my ability etc, but I went through the motions before cbetting and I'm just completely happy with the squeeze and the cbet (initial raiser reg who folds, caller tight passive fish who also folds). Slowly getting out of being results oriented, I hope, but the test will be when I go on a real bad stretch. Again though, we expect bad stretches, they happen, and our job in those times is to minimise our losses through good play.
I'm going to add some life chores here 'cos if I don't write em down somewhere I'll never get em done. Some things have just been screaming out to be done for weeks now........ tomorrow in between sessions I must:
send off car registration document
go to bank, pay in some cash
pay off parking ticket
clean out rabbits
I'll leave my goals at those for now. They should take me like an hour. For some reason everything just stops when I'm not winning. When I'm winning, house is clean, bills paid, dogs fed. When I'm not, everything goes dark, phone goes off, parents go un-seen. Would be nice to break that habit as part of my mental progression...................
Session 22
I think it's session 22. I'm starting to lose count. Only a short one this time as I had footy training. Then 2 of us turned up. So I could've gone and watched Hull City, but just could not be arsed.
Played well in the session. Only worrying about playing well through the hour is becoming a habit. I played this hand early on: - BTN huge fish, SB a reg! Jesus at some of these regs. - same reg as above. Just posted this 'cos we like to see 4bet pots and how they play out don't we. I'd call turn too 'cos we have Ax a ton and he's never bluffing river. He snap checked turn and river which is a decent timing tell. _ really couldn't decide on a raise size here. I assume we do have to raise. Turn leader is a fish, other guy is a solid reg. Oh I guess the flop checks up for debate too. I thought the binking equity >> any FE I had. - weaktight just stopped working. Villain is solid 19/16, 20% open in this spot. I think my lack of value is compensated by my lack of bluffs. Raise size I decided to go small, VS a good player I think this is correct. - passive fish. please don't pot the river like that when you're so passive and I have top 2. Just don't do that, k?
Played well in the session. Only worrying about playing well through the hour is becoming a habit. I played this hand early on: - BTN huge fish, SB a reg! Jesus at some of these regs. - same reg as above. Just posted this 'cos we like to see 4bet pots and how they play out don't we. I'd call turn too 'cos we have Ax a ton and he's never bluffing river. He snap checked turn and river which is a decent timing tell. _ really couldn't decide on a raise size here. I assume we do have to raise. Turn leader is a fish, other guy is a solid reg. Oh I guess the flop checks up for debate too. I thought the binking equity >> any FE I had. - weaktight just stopped working. Villain is solid 19/16, 20% open in this spot. I think my lack of value is compensated by my lack of bluffs. Raise size I decided to go small, VS a good player I think this is correct. - passive fish. please don't pot the river like that when you're so passive and I have top 2. Just don't do that, k?
Session 21
I'm clearly still being pretty results oriented in how I rate my sessions. Mentally, I lost a few BIs early on to ridic coolers and a bad beat, but went through my mental motions and hopefully recovered quite quickly. Results didn't enter my head at least. There's a few tenuous hands in there though, tenuous in the sense they're debatable. - kinda torn to bet turn or not. I had one yesterday with JJ in a similar spot with a highish PSR where I ended up just losing the maximum to KK. This reg is terrible btw. Basically, by betting I lose $400 to sets and JJ etc where I might only lose $100 to a check turn call river line. - same reg. This was the guy who double barrel shoved Q9cc in a 4bet pot btw. River ...... hmm. - same reg. At this point probably quite pissed off at me. River inflection points etc, and I feel he could have JJ, KK, AA here? Or a worse T ever? He opens 35% bvb, cbets 90%/ flop and 75% turn..... - same reg again. Felt like folding turn, but I think we rep Tx too well and as already stated he cbets too much.
So 8/10 this session. Still had thoughts of monetary amounts and stuff, but that will go with time. Pleased to play well after early setbacks.
So goal of session 22 ......... play well! - kinda torn to bet turn or not. I had one yesterday with JJ in a similar spot with a highish PSR where I ended up just losing the maximum to KK. This reg is terrible btw. Basically, by betting I lose $400 to sets and JJ etc where I might only lose $100 to a check turn call river line. - same reg. This was the guy who double barrel shoved Q9cc in a 4bet pot btw. River ...... hmm. - same reg. At this point probably quite pissed off at me. River inflection points etc, and I feel he could have JJ, KK, AA here? Or a worse T ever? He opens 35% bvb, cbets 90%/ flop and 75% turn..... - same reg again. Felt like folding turn, but I think we rep Tx too well and as already stated he cbets too much.
So 8/10 this session. Still had thoughts of monetary amounts and stuff, but that will go with time. Pleased to play well after early setbacks.
So goal of session 22 ......... play well!
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Session 20
Funny it's still my ingrained habit to want to talk about results. Forgetting about results is all fine btw, unless you wake up broke one day. I've turned off 2-4 Euro from my filters until I'm sure I have a lot of money.
So happy with all hands, except this one!
Sigh plan was to check raise fold river. I rehearsed it, said it to myself, and then he shipped. Blah now ok I can fold this easily enough, but this reg is like the worst suspicious, bad, overplayery reg in the universe. I have to CR, but it's not one of those check raises where if you knew he was gonna 3bet you woulda check raised anyway. But now he does 3bet ......... and I don't know if he's capable of bluffing or whatever or anything. Two made straights...... blah, I think technically and mentally this hand is a fail. Stick to plan unless new information shows itself. Suddenly getting suspicious does not count as new information! - a fish and a reg. Strong ranges flop and turn, and I didn't want to bet get it in here I'm pretty crushed and giving up that much equity sucks. River might be optimistic, or it might be sick. I don't think either of them have a K or a T, and would probably lead a J situationally. I rep Jx pretty well too. - terrid reg. I would never have folded this a fortnight ago. Now I wake go to bed dreaming of inflection points. multitably fish. wide range for raising, flatting, and peeling flops. River is a function of his call with worse VS potential bluffs, and I suppose throw in the times he doesn't vbet some random K on the river and I save money. Maybe rainbow flop I should ship river, but still so many missed oesds and GSs.......
Overall, the session was a 7/10 mentally. Couldn't keep my beady eyes off some flips that occured. Technically, it's hard to say obviously, cos if mental is 10/10 then technical should be 10/10 'cos I wouldn't know if I'd done anything wrong. Technically anyway I'll go 7/10, but woulda been 10/10 had I been able to check raise fold that JJ.........
So happy with all hands, except this one!
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 4 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
CO | NLAJ10sA | $1,373.36 | |
BTN | Mike Oak 420 | $849.44 | |
SB | lefou322 | $408.31 | |
BB | grogheadflow | $565 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 4 players)Hero is BB
NLAJ10sA raises to $12, 2 folds, grogheadflow calls $8
- Flop ($26, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $18, grogheadflow calls $18
- Turn ($62, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $36, grogheadflow calls $36
- River ($134, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $66, grogheadflow raises to $199, NLAJ10sA goes all-in $1,307.36, grogheadflow calls $300
- Final Pot: $1,132
- grogheadflow shows
- NLAJ10sA shows
- NLAJ10sA wins $2,746.22 (net +$1,372.86)
- grogheadflow lost $565
Sigh plan was to check raise fold river. I rehearsed it, said it to myself, and then he shipped. Blah now ok I can fold this easily enough, but this reg is like the worst suspicious, bad, overplayery reg in the universe. I have to CR, but it's not one of those check raises where if you knew he was gonna 3bet you woulda check raised anyway. But now he does 3bet ......... and I don't know if he's capable of bluffing or whatever or anything. Two made straights...... blah, I think technically and mentally this hand is a fail. Stick to plan unless new information shows itself. Suddenly getting suspicious does not count as new information! - a fish and a reg. Strong ranges flop and turn, and I didn't want to bet get it in here I'm pretty crushed and giving up that much equity sucks. River might be optimistic, or it might be sick. I don't think either of them have a K or a T, and would probably lead a J situationally. I rep Jx pretty well too. - terrid reg. I would never have folded this a fortnight ago. Now I wake go to bed dreaming of inflection points. multitably fish. wide range for raising, flatting, and peeling flops. River is a function of his call with worse VS potential bluffs, and I suppose throw in the times he doesn't vbet some random K on the river and I save money. Maybe rainbow flop I should ship river, but still so many missed oesds and GSs.......
Overall, the session was a 7/10 mentally. Couldn't keep my beady eyes off some flips that occured. Technically, it's hard to say obviously, cos if mental is 10/10 then technical should be 10/10 'cos I wouldn't know if I'd done anything wrong. Technically anyway I'll go 7/10, but woulda been 10/10 had I been able to check raise fold that JJ.........
Mental Game Blog
I'm doing extremely badly on the mental game front right now. Dodgy, you don't know how lucky you are with regards being a natural at this, you really don't. There's a ton of stuff goes through my brain every session that is completely irrelevant to anything important. Some of the stuff I want to eradicate are actual symptoms of underlying mental silliness, while other stuff seems harmless on the surface but actually ends up being the cause of these symptoms.
I need to focus much more on this, regularly, even when I think I'm doing ok, as it takes constant work. With the book now, I have a direction in being able to deal with it.
I'm going to make a list of all my current harmful symptoms, then try to identify the root causes.
In Game Symptoms
I need to focus much more on this, regularly, even when I think I'm doing ok, as it takes constant work. With the book now, I have a direction in being able to deal with it.
I'm going to make a list of all my current harmful symptoms, then try to identify the root causes.
In Game Symptoms
- Increasing variance towards end of sessions if I'm down, or down a lot from peak
- Stewing over a bad beat for a minute or two afterwards, during which time I hit autopilot mode and also increase variance.
- Mind drifts sometimes
Well that's enough symtpoms for now. The above are the two most harmful. I'll cover other ones in future.
Let's take the first symptom of increasing variance. It's quite clear to me now that this is caused by undue importance attached to short term results. Jesus none of this is ground breaking stuff obviously, but given that it's so obvious it's just amazing I don't implement all of it given I aspire to be a professional.
Thinking about it now, I'm sure it's enormously beneficial to like never check your results. Maybe once a quarter or something. It has to be a sliding scale, where like checking every week = reasonably harmful, checking every day = very harmful, and checking every session or in practice midway through sessions = extremely harmful..... especially when you suffer from the urge to increase variance when losing as much as I do.
From now on, I'm seeing this $$$ results urge for what it is, a huge mental leak that needs to be ignored.
Moving onto my mind drifting, I have to start seeing this as a major trigger to deterioration in quality of play. Triggers are good, if we do something about them. We don't mind triggers, we can identify triggers, and take appropriate steps to combat them.
In the long term, I have to resolve my underlying mental problems. This can take time however, and is a longer term goal based on my working and re-working through the mental game book. In the short term, there are steps I need to get in the habit (unconscious competence) of taking when I recognise the problems.
So my mind drifting should be a trigger for me to take the following steps:
1) Recognition- hmm my mind is drifting, or I'm thinking about results
2) Deep breath
3) Injecting logic- a phrase or statement to say to myself, possibly out loud, which helps to get my head on straight. 'I need to concentrate, my perceived edge when not fully thinking is only an illusion'
4) Strategic reminder- a few technical keys to my poker game. So at the moment, this will be 'stay solid PF, don't cold call, time on decisions'. I also need a reminder of my thought process in hands, so.......
What is his PF range %? How often does he flat/ fold/ or 4bet? Which option of flat/3bet/ or fold is best for my hand? Postflop, what is his range? What is the board texture? What is my perceived range? What are this opponent's postflop tendencies? How can I appear balanced to this opponent?
5) Repeat as necessary
6) Quitting
Erm, so yeah I'm not posting results any more. In fact I'm not checking them for like ages and ages. Maybe this time next month, maybe. The very urge to check them though is destructive, and if I start needing to check them in 3 weeks time or something this could end up being a huge distraction. Consider the prop altered in case anyone was gonna claim my $!
I'm still posting a review of every session though. Commenting on quality of play is fine. I will be talking about the mental side of the session more often. The dream is to train myself to get happy with a day's work based solely on the quality of my play and my mental quality. This feels a long way off right now, but I know the first step is to concentrate hard on achieving it and then it eventually becomes habit.
I browse forums every day, and quite often feel sort of sorry for people that their technical game is just so bad! Things like people posting mid-month graphs though doesn't jump out at me. I'm sure there are some Buddahs out there feeling sort of sorry for me every time I say I won x y z amount. I want to reach that stage! $$$$$$$ results are bad, ignore them, and concentrate on the result that is the quality of your daily play. (again, ground breaking stuff this). Seriously though, the ground breaking part will actually be implementing it.
Session review to follow, two parts TECHNICAL & MENTAL
Session 19
A strange sort of PF leak has crept in. My unopened CO has dropped right off a cliff, like 21% last week or so. I've been concentrating on opening tigher EP, but this is way too low in CO. So I need to be aware that I can open a ton wider in CO even for just pure stealing power, steal success is similar to BTN, etc.
There's a chance I'm playing badly postflop. I seem incapable of making 'non standard' river folds, ie the kind where 'he bets pot but I have TPTK and that's like the top of my range in this spot so i'll call'. Or like turns in big pots OOP with QQ on T75 T when he bets turn to shove river, ie we're getting owned always.
So I need to think more in those spots, and this session I'll be concentrating on timing when they do occur. PF has been fine for the most part still apart from the CO thing, no spewy 4bet OOP calls or silly 3bets or anything like that.
Basically I need to time on all decisions a lot more. In fact, this is my sole goal for this session. Well that and open wider on CO. Time, and open CO wider... how hard can that be? - drooler UTG, tilted Stars reg flats his raise. On the flop I..... bet fold? Oh dears we're deep I won't hold my breath then Dodgy! - 33/16 fish. Only seem him CR once before, he had a set and made it 3x. here he makes it smaller.... I don't fold here do I? - reg who likes to bet quick and big as a bluff. Here he bets quick and big. I only put a certain amount of weight into the read. - same fish as the 54s hand. I feel this is a standard Dodgy fold, right?
Ok so I have my goals set for next session. Time, open CO wider, and as per usual think hard about preflop.
Session 18 - 14% UTG, folds a lot to 3bets. Do we just flat KK here? - BLUFF. both slightly winning regs. - a silly bluff of a fish based entirely on his weak betsize. Silly Dan, pick the times a) your range is strong, b) your opponent can fold - SNE reg. Bigger is value, but then tptk is tptk? - one for interest, spewing in 4bet pots weeee
So played well PF again, some bad postflop play has crept in but not enough to form a pattern. I'm still about due to have a massive winning day I can feel it, but in the meantime all I can do is stay solid on PF, apply the mental exercises I've been doing and take it from there.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Session 17
I'm due a massive session any time around now, I know this. I got pretty cooler-shaken this session though without too much reciprocation. - etc - yeah don't love river but what else really. 'talks when strong' - etc
Those don't need commenting on. - I think by his turn size he has an oesd or pair+GS a lot here on the turn that I don't think he's bluffing river with. Hence I wish I'd shipped the turn. Reg is some 5-10 guy who has a leggo membership and knows me so he says. - same guy, dunno whether to bet or not, and if I do, how much?
I was a little bit nitty PF this session in retrospect., somehow came out at 18/16 which must be my nittiest session in like ever. I was just adapting to table conditions though and the cards I was dealt and shouldn't worry about it unless it becomes a pattern. Yeah I ran bad this session, played ok, and was solid PF. More concentrating on PF needed the next few sessions and if I do well I can put it down as learned to the point of unconscious competence and start concentrating on something else.
Session 16
Bit of a strange session. I usually really underestimate my winning sessions, but by the end here I thought I was up around $400-500. Looking at the hands though, there's a ton where I flatted 3bets and flopped no equity, and then a few bluff 4bets in good spots with good hands (ATo and AJo) failed at 2-4 and it all adds up. Happy enough though, PF was probably 9/10 again, but still concentrating on it hard for next session. - ok if this guy flats 4bets I need to 4bet bigger. $38 is no good 100bbs, $42 next time. - this fish a super wide range, and I went with a default fish read that they don't vbet at all IP. This guys clearly weird. Oh well at least he didn't shove river 'cos I was calling. - river is too thin here I think. He's just too good a player with my range from PF being this strong, and I should just check the river for a nut bluffcatcher. - his stats indicate he doesn't 3bet vs EP too much, but of late he has been doing to me certainly. Unsure whether to check or shove river. Probably a ship in fact. - I couldn't see better fullHs in his range after he bets the turn. Thin value bettor too.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Session 16
Very happy with PF, made one small mistake I think that I'll get to in the first hand. - 3bets 13% btn-co, but small sample basically 1/8 occurrences. PF mistake was making the 4bet a mite too small, we're 125 bbs deep and with my whole range needs to discourage flats for the most part. The turn spot is annoying, I feel he can have KQ a lot, QQ and KK sometimes, and value VS JJ etc gets pretty thin. If I check and he bets $155, what then? - a Supernova reg. I know this probably wasn't his finest hour, but Jesus Christ! - same lol reg - if I'm him I 3bet flop or check shove turn. Don't let a good player play perfectly on the river. Or bink perfectly for that matter.
I didn't really lose any hands. Playing well PF will do that for you. Didn't have to flat 4bets either. Still concentrating hard on PF this next session as it's not completely all automatic for me yet..........
Session 15
I'm going to view this as an inexpensive lesson not to 9 table. I decided that my life was easier now with 3betting, and I could expand the number of tables. Wrong! Some spots just need a lot of thought, and my brain bandwidth was just too stretched in some big pots leading to bad decisions. - like London buses, I've had a zillion of these spots of late. This guy is a monkey barreler, big winner, but 3bets only 1% VS UTG overall. - good player, doesn't bluff much. PF went wrong 'cos of too many tables, should be $48 at a minimum. - fishy reg, high river aggression
Goals for next session are to play 6 tables, and again concentrate hard on PF. Give myself 5/10 for the last session and that's generous. Tight UTG, proper 3bet and 4bet sizes, don't flat 4bets OOP, do flat PF where neccessary.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Session 14
That's better. Played much better PF this last session, probably give myself 10/10. Postflop I feel I'm naturally playing quite well at the moment, so I'm going to continue focussing hard on PF this next session so that I really get into good habits. - this guy's like a total monkey clown. 3% bb-btn, cbets every flop and most turns and then like always river. According to stats and observations anyway. I guess I basically chickened out calling the river based on stuff getting there and the chance he's shoving A3 or something. - same villain. afformentioned tendencies make pf a call I think. told you he was a monkey. he actually has timing tells on the river for bluffs too, quick is bluff. He timed a little on this river which made me think he actually had something but obv rivering a pair slowed him a little. - games are dead, etc - villain is bad suspicious reg. the flop check is interesting, he's basically the type to 3 barrel this as a bluff and I felt he'd bet all weaker aces at some point anyway allowing me to make a FOS looking check ship. he SNAPPED the shove, omg he has 5x I think. nope. - same villain as above. the river Q smashes my range and was just so strange for him to bet it. he could have AQ retrospectively of course if he has AJ. once I was certain QQ+ etc was betting the turn I decided I'd call it. - a rare PF flat, and a good spot for it. river is thin, but he's suspicious - another barrel happy guy, who can also 3barrel very thin. so flop check given I'm giving up so much and also checking Kx, Jx a decent amount, probably AK too. river, meh inflection point etc but I have the nut bluffcatcher on a card where I can never have a flush.
Goals for session 15- PF again! really concentrate and it makes the rest easy!
Session 13
Unlucky 13 that is. I didn't play well though, got slightly tilted by losing every all in and lost my way PF a little bit. A few 3bets that should've been flats, a few silly flat of 4bets, an Iso 100bb jam in a weird spot with AJ, they all add up. In my next session my sole goal is to play well PF, think through every PF spot and really go for 100% PF perfection. Meh could bet, but leaves a sticky spot on turn when he flats. I do think once I check this I'm almost always going for CRAI so that's a small concern. Should make the 3bet bigger because I'm oop too, 3x it should've been. PF mistake then. I think I wanted to prove to Dodgeball that sometimes people do bluff rivers. TILT. this looks spewy as anything, but was actually right at the start of the session where I was in a perfect frame of mind. I discount slowplayed QQ+ and almost certainly not JJ, so I'm like ok TT or weird 9x that can call. I could flat turn and call river too of course, maybe that's better, but felt some weird 7x or 6x would go away a lot. - big PF mistake am up against a 14% open here. He saved me a lot of money though, and for that I am thankful. Probably going with it. - big fish - why wouldn't he flat 77 on the flop? This the same guy who jammed A7 the other day in a 4bet pot.
PF Perfection. 3bet appropriate hands, flat 4bets with only appropriate hands in appropriate spots. Not OOP! Don't do silly flats or overcalls. Don't autopilot raise too light in EP and MP. Concentrate on CO raises, look at BTN and blinds.
Session 12
Suffered some EV pain this session. A good quote from the mental game book though, something like if the weather man says it's going to rain, and then it rains, do you really get pissed off? Running bad and below EV is going to happen like all the time, and it's completely and utterly expected. Poker wouldn't be this profitable without such variance! So yeah we know we're going to run bad sometimes, we expect it, why get pissed off? - $90 to win $116, very wide 3betting from the blinds, Qx smashes my range and I just have enough value to raise call it off in his eyes. - I should bet the flop here, no arguments. I just turn enough equity to bet again too often. Over complicated the hand VS a guy I didn't know too much about except he was a reg. Shrug at his call tho! Maybe I should ship river. - wide 4bettor, not a folder. - tough to choose a river betsize. Decided on one that might make him check shove something like a missed draw, and might look like a missed draw trying to fold out missed draws. He got himself into a lot of bother I think. - one for interest, good to know that TT+ is virtually always getting 4bet here. I beat some value bets on the river too potentially.
Friday, 17 February 2012
Session 11
My 5 biggest losing pots were PF coolers or flips that I lost, with the only debatable one being a JJ squash, I flatted JJ sb-co, BB squeezes to $26 from $6, 100bbs effective. Hardly think this is too debatable but anyway he had AA. - next biggest one. This guys a bit of a monkey, don't love river but I have to call I think he's just aggro and bad enough to have worse. Turn is obv good for balance. - I should've flatted this PF. I was so in the habit of 3betting everything, but this guy folds 78% to 3bets and it's just a hand I can squash happily without self doubt if the blinds wake up. Call one was the way forward here, perceived range of Qx a ton. - 52s, 75, 44 maybe J4s for value, this is just going to work enough I think. At least 8 outs, maybe 11. - fish who snapped PF and snap checked to river before unleashing this drama bomb. hmm
happy with how I'm playing at the moment and with my mental game. I need constant mental game reminders in session at the moment, but my mental exercises will become part of my unconscious competency before long (allegedly) and I can start working on other stuff.
Session 10 - a 'good' reg, but imo not good enough to ever be bluffing here. I snap bet folded it - flop spot very hard to decide just because it comes up so infrequently. Big pot, think we have to bet to protect. I made it small as I would do with QJ J9 etc, just up against strongish ranges and no need to lose $66 here bet folding. - he CR turn. Very hard to know what to do. No special reads really. - I was talking about this yesterday, I think min 4betting squeezes is the best defence a lot of the time. Lowest variance, probably most effective.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Session 9 - It's hands like this make me glad I've stopped 'Chris' from reading this blog! I've analysed this to death, but yeh basically he doesn't have many clubs at all, especially that bet the turn. Then river 5 flush means he's probably going to shove to get me off the chop, which it would, but it's nice to do this to him instead. Alas, semi owned. - villain sort of an aggressive fish. I could bet flop of course, but it'd be a bet call and not loving life. Checking means I get him to bluff, then win the pot anyway 'cos I'll ship river. He confounded me by betting river too. Blah, wanted to call for obv reasons, but betsize looked like Ax and I can't completely discount Kx or Qx. He showed a bluff, the swine! - villain is a bad reg, cold 4bets a lot. I'm 3betting a fish for the umpteenth time, and I just think this 4bet is light as a feather. Check ship flop maybe, hmm.......... kinda wanted to call turn but all the assumptions that would make that possible like he'd slowdown with AK and AA I just couldn't make with this guy. - tough spot this. Again, villain bad and slightly over aggressive reg. Not sure how bad, and how over aggressive.........
^ answer to the last one above is I called and he had AQ
Session 8 3bets 29% bVb over a decent sample. I should probably just not steal, but once I do at this price and VS this wide of a range I think I should flat. It's one of those that just seem easier to play OOP sometimes, ie you rep a lot by check raising but often little by raising IP. I planned to CR a decent number of boards given how much more people are polarised IP etc. Plan on this board was to CC/ check shove turn. I guess it worked. a fish who tends to mash the pot button or at least the 3/4 pot button. Interesting because of the turn bet, these spots are coming up a lot at the moment. I'm certain the turn betsize here would lead AQ+ to check jam turn. He's usually betting them anyway of course. I think these smaller betsizes on turns over a sample with a small PSR ip will save a decent amount of money over the long run. Plan was to shove all rivers. Again, could've bet $30/ shove river. Hmm.
Didn't flat one hand this session, except in the blinds. So zero cold call MP, CO and BTN. Stats came out at 22/20, 9.9% 3bet with a 20% BTN 3bet that is likely unsustainable.
Session 7
Prop is hereby updated to be 4 interesting hands, not necessarily the biggest losers. No-one cares about KK < AA. - villain is a sort of fish, opens 40% CO, has previously CRd and raised flops. These things make me want to lead this board, and if flatted barrel off. I got there! So did he. Overshove river spot as spoken about in Galfond's vid. - bit of a bot peel on the turn. Unsure about it though. Villain is a very winning reg. - villain is a fish who snapped PF. Capable of bluffing but unsure exactly in this spot or not.
I also flatted a few 4bets. - Villain 3bets and 4bets a lot. Loses on PTR. Unsure about turn. I decided to just balance the times I have a flushdraw and jam it in. - same villain. Think this should be our flop stabsize in this spot. - everyone's solid
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Session 6 Whatevs River would've been interesting had he bet. Small 3bet as opposed to a flat. Turn might seem a bit optimistic but I had a good feeling, not too many Tx in his range or Kx for that matter. Wish I'd bet more on river, but I still don't really see how he called. STATION We're 200bbs deep here, peeling flop was a bit of an experiment as I'm going to be flatting more 4bets from now on. I think turn I can bet $36 or something VS a not good player. I wanted to fold turn, but then remembered 'WHAT WOULD A BOT DO?!' which apparently is my new mantra. This should be interesting!
Session 5
Martin watched this last session, was a huge help in terms of restoring confidence in certain spots. I've worked out a much clear PF plan now too which I'll expand on in another blog. - could've bet turn VS this guy, hard to give him 33 though. Huge regfish, not too unhappy. Maybe don't 3bet this particular hand VS this particular guy with this particular mindset (first hand he shoved 100bbs over my single raise bvb) - blehhhhh, good betsize! has to be a sigh fold VS this tight fish - Martin was willing me to bet this river (armchair lag). I knew my image wouldn't allow it. - a winning one. Was calling all high rivers, expecting him to give up low rivers. The fact that regs all have river inflection point was a very astute comment from martin during this session which will stand me very well as a default I believe.
Session 4
Bingo bongo they do it in the congo.
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 3 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
grogheadflow (BTN) | $400 | |
SB | $1,865.64 | |
BB | $416.34 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 3 players)Hero is BTN
grogheadflow raises to $10, SB raises to $40, BB folds, grogheadflow raises to $80, SB calls $40
- Flop ($164, 2 players)
SB checks, grogheadflow bets $56, SB goes all-in $1,785.64, grogheadflow folds
- Final Pot: $2,005.64
- SB wins $2,003.14 (net +$137.50)
- grogheadflow lost $136
3bets 12% in this spot, no history and BTN-BB these days is the holy grail of 4bet bluffing. On the flop, his range is like all offsuit broadways. Yeah he's always check jamming every one of those containing a spade, but combo wise there's still enough raw folds.
€2/€4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €1,304.32 | |
CO | €533.05 | |
BTN | €637.68 | |
SB | €895.61 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €596.48 | |
- Pre-Flop (€6, 5 players)Hero is BB
3 folds, SB raises to €12, grogheadflow calls €8
- Flop (€24, 2 players)
SB bets €16, grogheadflow calls €16
- Turn (€56, 2 players)
SB bets €38, grogheadflow calls €38
- River (€132, 2 players)
SB bets €54, grogheadflow calls €54
- Final Pot: €240
- SB shows three of a kind, Eights
- grogheadflow shows
- SB wins €237 (net +€117)
- grogheadflow lost €120
Think turn is a fold, there's just no turned draws for him to bet. Yeah, certain turn is a fold even with a 55% steal range and high cbet.
€2/€4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €1,696.48 | |
CO | €400 | |
BTN | €455.20 | |
SB | €412.34 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €400 | |
- Pre-Flop (€6, 5 players)Hero is BB
UTG raises to €12, 1 fold, BTN calls €12, 1 fold, grogheadflow calls €8
- Flop (€38, 3 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG bets €25.94, BTN folds, grogheadflow raises to €76, UTG calls €50.06
- Turn (€190, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG checks
- River (€190, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG checks
- Final Pot: €190
- grogheadflow shows high card Ace
- UTG shows two pair, Eights and Sevens
- UTG wins €187 (net +€99)
- grogheadflow lost €88
- BTN lost €12
Same villain as hand 1. 20% UTG open, he cbets 100% here, and I have the backdoors. Planning to bet any J,T,club turns and shove all rivers, and give up everything else.
€1/€2 No Limit Holdem • 6 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €107.50 | |
UTG+1 | €238.75 | |
CO | €510.73 | |
BTN | €200 | |
SB | €112.29 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €241.38 | |
- Pre-Flop (€3, 6 players)Hero is BB
UTG raises to €6, 1 fold, CO calls €6, 2 folds, grogheadflow calls €4
- Flop (€19, 3 players)
grogheadflow bets €15, UTG calls €15, CO calls €15
- Turn (€64, 3 players)
grogheadflow bets €52, UTG goes all-in €86.50, CO folds, grogheadflow folds
- Final Pot: €202.50
- UTG wins €199.50 (net +€92)
- grogheadflow lost €73
- CO lost €21
Happy enough with this, coordinated board but everything good is getting raised on the flop and on blanks we're just getting enough folds over 3 streets. Could maybe do with a backdoor club. The UTG shorty is a problem, I still assumed he would raise anything good so went for the multiway turn bet and river shove VS the fullstacked guy. Assume shorty flopped the nuts....... he won't always do that.
I'll leave you with a picture of some yearly stats. Someone remind me why we ever cold call again?
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