Bingo bongo they do it in the congo.
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 3 Players • PokerStars
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grogheadflow (BTN) | $400 | |
SB | $1,865.64 | |
BB | $416.34 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 3 players)Hero is BTN
grogheadflow raises to $10, SB raises to $40, BB folds, grogheadflow raises to $80, SB calls $40
- Flop ($164, 2 players)
SB checks, grogheadflow bets $56, SB goes all-in $1,785.64, grogheadflow folds
- Final Pot: $2,005.64
- SB wins $2,003.14 (net +$137.50)
- grogheadflow lost $136
3bets 12% in this spot, no history and BTN-BB these days is the holy grail of 4bet bluffing. On the flop, his range is like all offsuit broadways. Yeah he's always check jamming every one of those containing a spade, but combo wise there's still enough raw folds.
€2/€4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €1,304.32 | |
CO | €533.05 | |
BTN | €637.68 | |
SB | €895.61 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €596.48 | |
- Pre-Flop (€6, 5 players)Hero is BB
3 folds, SB raises to €12, grogheadflow calls €8
- Flop (€24, 2 players)
SB bets €16, grogheadflow calls €16
- Turn (€56, 2 players)
SB bets €38, grogheadflow calls €38
- River (€132, 2 players)
SB bets €54, grogheadflow calls €54
- Final Pot: €240
- SB shows three of a kind, Eights
- grogheadflow shows
- SB wins €237 (net +€117)
- grogheadflow lost €120
Think turn is a fold, there's just no turned draws for him to bet. Yeah, certain turn is a fold even with a 55% steal range and high cbet.
€2/€4 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €1,696.48 | |
CO | €400 | |
BTN | €455.20 | |
SB | €412.34 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €400 | |
- Pre-Flop (€6, 5 players)Hero is BB
UTG raises to €12, 1 fold, BTN calls €12, 1 fold, grogheadflow calls €8
- Flop (€38, 3 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG bets €25.94, BTN folds, grogheadflow raises to €76, UTG calls €50.06
- Turn (€190, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG checks
- River (€190, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, UTG checks
- Final Pot: €190
- grogheadflow shows high card Ace
- UTG shows two pair, Eights and Sevens
- UTG wins €187 (net +€99)
- grogheadflow lost €88
- BTN lost €12
Same villain as hand 1. 20% UTG open, he cbets 100% here, and I have the backdoors. Planning to bet any J,T,club turns and shove all rivers, and give up everything else.
€1/€2 No Limit Holdem • 6 Players • PokerStars
Generated by
UTG | €107.50 | |
UTG+1 | €238.75 | |
CO | €510.73 | |
BTN | €200 | |
SB | €112.29 | |
grogheadflow (BB) | €241.38 | |
- Pre-Flop (€3, 6 players)Hero is BB
UTG raises to €6, 1 fold, CO calls €6, 2 folds, grogheadflow calls €4
- Flop (€19, 3 players)
grogheadflow bets €15, UTG calls €15, CO calls €15
- Turn (€64, 3 players)
grogheadflow bets €52, UTG goes all-in €86.50, CO folds, grogheadflow folds
- Final Pot: €202.50
- UTG wins €199.50 (net +€92)
- grogheadflow lost €73
- CO lost €21
Happy enough with this, coordinated board but everything good is getting raised on the flop and on blanks we're just getting enough folds over 3 streets. Could maybe do with a backdoor club. The UTG shorty is a problem, I still assumed he would raise anything good so went for the multiway turn bet and river shove VS the fullstacked guy. Assume shorty flopped the nuts....... he won't always do that.
I'll leave you with a picture of some yearly stats. Someone remind me why we ever cold call again?
These hands are tilting me something cronic. You are on a downswing and instead of playing good solid poker you are fucking around with stupid check raises and stupid 4bets. J9o is a terrible hand to 4bet with especially when you do it so small.
You have had a goal since forever of moving up to 5/10. The answer why you haven't is staring us all in the face right here. 5/10 players don't do this shit Dan. Sort it out.
You do not need to try and win every pot. You already said these guys suck, so just sit back play solid and let them give you money.
Again don't rant back at me I won't reply.
AJ - these turns are a bit difficult because so many regs double barrel such a wide range. As you know, I think calling twice and folding river is correct in a lot of spots. Here though I think you can fold the turn - a lot of regs still stick by the cbetting strategy of betting once on boards like this (and barrelling any equity on other boards), so it's probably best not to overthink things on paired boards.
The KQ basically depends on the player and how often he'll bet/fold here. Part of me wants to just check call but with the gutters out that just leaves too many barrelling spots for him, and I don't really want to be check raising any turned equity v his 12% UTG range (although I reckon that might have good fold equity against AK/AQ).
The T9 is questionable with the fish as they might just not be able to fold 86 on the turn given it's basically all-in. I like the flop lead, but not sure about turn. I wonder if a bit smaller would achieve the same thing, but I see why you went big so the fish couldn't peel again. Undecided whether I like the bet or not.
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