So happy with all hands, except this one!
$2/$4 No Limit Holdem • 4 Players • PokerStars
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CO | NLAJ10sA | $1,373.36 | |
BTN | Mike Oak 420 | $849.44 | |
SB | lefou322 | $408.31 | |
BB | grogheadflow | $565 | |
- Pre-Flop ($6, 4 players)Hero is BB
NLAJ10sA raises to $12, 2 folds, grogheadflow calls $8
- Flop ($26, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $18, grogheadflow calls $18
- Turn ($62, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $36, grogheadflow calls $36
- River ($134, 2 players)
grogheadflow checks, NLAJ10sA bets $66, grogheadflow raises to $199, NLAJ10sA goes all-in $1,307.36, grogheadflow calls $300
- Final Pot: $1,132
- grogheadflow shows
- NLAJ10sA shows
- NLAJ10sA wins $2,746.22 (net +$1,372.86)
- grogheadflow lost $565
Sigh plan was to check raise fold river. I rehearsed it, said it to myself, and then he shipped. Blah now ok I can fold this easily enough, but this reg is like the worst suspicious, bad, overplayery reg in the universe. I have to CR, but it's not one of those check raises where if you knew he was gonna 3bet you woulda check raised anyway. But now he does 3bet ......... and I don't know if he's capable of bluffing or whatever or anything. Two made straights...... blah, I think technically and mentally this hand is a fail. Stick to plan unless new information shows itself. Suddenly getting suspicious does not count as new information! - a fish and a reg. Strong ranges flop and turn, and I didn't want to bet get it in here I'm pretty crushed and giving up that much equity sucks. River might be optimistic, or it might be sick. I don't think either of them have a K or a T, and would probably lead a J situationally. I rep Jx pretty well too. - terrid reg. I would never have folded this a fortnight ago. Now I wake go to bed dreaming of inflection points. multitably fish. wide range for raising, flatting, and peeling flops. River is a function of his call with worse VS potential bluffs, and I suppose throw in the times he doesn't vbet some random K on the river and I save money. Maybe rainbow flop I should ship river, but still so many missed oesds and GSs.......
Overall, the session was a 7/10 mentally. Couldn't keep my beady eyes off some flips that occured. Technically, it's hard to say obviously, cos if mental is 10/10 then technical should be 10/10 'cos I wouldn't know if I'd done anything wrong. Technically anyway I'll go 7/10, but woulda been 10/10 had I been able to check raise fold that JJ.........
1 comment:
8As - seems ok to me. I think the fish might show up with Jx a bit, or call with AQ or something, but he'll fold a lot (including better hands than ours) anyway.
66 - Your hand looks like what it is pretty much and he's betting big. I think it's a fold. If for some reason you knew he thought you peeled a lot of Ax on the turn and folded them on the river then we can maybe call. Fwiw, I'm more likely to peel rivers against btn openers (obviously just way more possible bluffs in their range), but also in spots where they 'should' bluff rivers. So for example, if the boards runs out JxxKx I might call the river lighter as they should realise they have to fire turn and river a lot.
Even there though, a lot of people think you'll fold 88 on the turn and not fold Jx on the river. So even on a board like that I think a lot of people give up rivers. Then you could say boards like 9726Q - or boards where we're perceived to peel the turn with a lot of pairs+draws. But even there I just don't see people bluffing as much as they probably should do.
QQ - I'm not sure how to decide whether this is a shove or check call. Shoving seems best I think as it's only 1/3 pot left on the river. This means he'll call a lot of weaker hands and might not shove as a bluff. Couldn't fault either though I don't think.
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