Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Session 21

I'm clearly still being pretty results oriented in how I rate my sessions. Mentally, I lost a few BIs early on to ridic coolers and a bad beat, but went through my mental motions and hopefully recovered quite quickly. Results didn't enter my head at least. There's a few tenuous hands in there though, tenuous in the sense they're debatable. - kinda torn to bet turn or not. I had one yesterday with JJ in a similar spot with a highish PSR where I ended up just losing the maximum to KK. This reg is terrible btw. Basically, by betting I lose $400 to sets and JJ etc where I might only lose $100 to a check turn call river line. - same reg. This was the guy who double barrel shoved Q9cc in a 4bet pot btw. River ...... hmm. - same reg. At this point probably quite pissed off at me. River inflection points etc, and I feel he could have JJ, KK, AA here? Or a worse T ever? He opens 35% bvb, cbets 90%/ flop and 75% turn..... - same reg again. Felt like folding turn, but I think we rep Tx too well and as already stated he cbets too much.

So 8/10 this session. Still had thoughts of monetary amounts and stuff, but that will go with time. Pleased to play well after early setbacks.

So goal of session 22 ......... play well!

1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

TKs - I think if we bet the turn we have to be looking to get value from clubs that are going to crai or something weird like KQ/QJ that floated oop. I don't think there's enough value from 88-66 and 9x hands. I could be wrong though if he flats really really wide preflop here. I think against most people this is a check back on the turn. The only problem I have with this line is that I'm always worried about value betting blank rivers as I'm so susceptible to a check raise.

AQo - River is $260 into $338 I think. It feels like it has to be a shove to me. He almost certainly plays Ad X differently somewhere (betting flop/betting river), so that just leaves the odd Ad and a few Kd. We can definitely look like something stupid like 97 that we turn into a bluff, and I think he can have enough overpairs/Jx/weird low diamonds to make this a value shove.

TAo - I always want to level myself against someone aggressive like this that I have history with. I think it still should be a fold though. He'll expect you to call Tx here a lot I think, and by the river you have a lot of Qx and Tx hands. It's true that you have a decent amount of other hands that fold, but I still think he has a wide enough value range and won't bluff that often.

A2s - I probably raise flop and get it in (semi-reluctantly but you get calls/folds/spazzes too). I think flatting turn is good here. Maybe overbet the river as we're only betting Tx or bluffs, and we can't have that many bluffs.