Thursday, 16 February 2012

Session 8 3bets 29% bVb over a decent sample. I should probably just not steal, but once I do at this price and VS this wide of a range I think I should flat. It's one of those that just seem easier to play OOP sometimes, ie you rep a lot by check raising but often little by raising IP. I planned to CR a decent number of boards given how much more people are polarised IP etc. Plan on this board was to CC/ check shove turn. I guess it worked. a fish who tends to mash the pot button or at least the 3/4 pot button. Interesting because of the turn bet, these spots are coming up a lot at the moment. I'm certain the turn betsize here would lead AQ+ to check jam turn. He's usually betting them anyway of course. I think these smaller betsizes on turns over a sample with a small PSR ip will save a decent amount of money over the long run. Plan was to shove all rivers. Again, could've bet $30/ shove river. Hmm.

Didn't flat one hand this session, except in the blinds. So zero cold call MP, CO and BTN. Stats came out at 22/20, 9.9% 3bet with a 20% BTN 3bet that is likely unsustainable.


DODGYKEN said...

67s - I think you should just flat the turn. I'd be planning on crai as a bluff, but here he just has so many semibluffs that are check calling that I think we need to slowplay and let him bluff rivers. Plus our check call range is pretty weak here in his eyes, which means he's more likely to bluff rivers.

99 - I'd always be trying to show it down on the turn - why is betting better? It probably is, I just want to be told why.

AJo - Why do you think he definitely shoves AQ on the turn here? I know that if I'm him and I've decided to check call the turn with AQ that I'm still going to call to that bet.

77 - I check this down too but it's because I know I have plenty of other hands I'll want to bet with so I'm happy to try and show down 77 rather than bet betting almost everything wct.

grog said...

Hand 1, yeah there's very little bluffing balance here. Silly Daniel.

Hand 2, betting is better because...... for protection, we get silly peels from fish with worse, and we stop POT mashes on the river that we're going to be very reluctant to call.

Hand 3, AJo, I just think AQ and KK etc will CRAI 'cos it doesn't look much like I'm betting the river with this betsize.

Hand 4, well 77 what hands would you peel that you felt you had to bluff? I contend that there are not many. Thus I feel I should bluff 77 here. AJ makes showdown value, AK prolly check down, AT hardly in range espec after flop, etc

DODGYKEN said...

On the 77 hand I didn't pay enough attention to the positions. I think being MP means that you just have such a profitable double barrel bluff here given your range is so insanely strong (and Qx heavy). If I was OTB it would change as I'd be peeling some hands like KJ with bdfd.