Saturday, 20 April 2013

200nl Session Review

First session back went 'well'. I'm nowhere near where I want to be mentally yet though, 'cos my 'well' is still automatically derived from the fact that I won a couple of buyins. I played well too though, and felt mentally in a good place.... didn't pissed off when things went wrong (things going wrong is all built into the solid winrate, only getting mad at the mistakes and making more mistakes because of it leaves you with a breakeven winrate) and I just felt like I was executing a preplanned strategy a lot of the time rather than doing things off the hoof and making it up as I go along.

People played awfully against me this session, which I guess is a form of rungood, but it bodes well. - frequent 4bettor, and I with gameflow at a standstill (no recent 200 history) my 4betting and bluff frequencies need to slightly on the higher side to take advantage of the fact that no history usually = no spaz from opponent. 140bbs deep, nutted hand, can make a wheel, gotta be 4bet. His flatting range contains AQ AK etc, so I decided to throw this into my check not folding range. River is just like........ he can't have AK AQ AJ QQ JJ by this point and I'm just always ahead or splitting and so a bet is pretty mandatory both for vacuum and overall gameplan reasons. He snap calls, which I think I'm gonna label a station call really.

Actually one of the sickest changes I've recently made is having a 'calling station regs' note colour. I see a call like this, they go purple, and I don't do the kind of 'get em off top pair or trips or flush on a paired board' bluff on em ever again. Do people adjust? lol - another station call. He makes a sorta gto river call which I'm pretty sure is too lose for GTO even given positions. - no history, but he was on 4 tables and I was 3betting a huge whale. Cold 4betting so rife at 200 I basically have the nut bluff 'must jam' hand given how wide I'm definitely 3betting there. - certainly a couple of imbalances here on his part..... the small cbet, and then the flat OOP. I just certainly have the best hand on the turn, but he can't stand too much more heat and so I plump for the 1/3 where he might do something silly. Alas the snap flop call, snap turn cf. Flop raise is just part of what I was discussing in my last blog. - only note I had read 'weak weak weak weak' which I presume meant I could make him fold AA down. So lol imbalanced with his cbet size on this board. - excpected a very wide 4bet bluff range PF for the usual reasons...... couldn't see him just CF this board, and didn't wanna stab turn without jamming river, so was left with a 'bottom of range gotta bluff' on this river. Ace hi goes away, TT if he has it. Alas not this. - I stole this 'lead turn that hits us small' move from flippety, and he from Sauce. Doubtless it's misapplied here, I need more thought. Can't see this guy bluffing here really.........

Right, gonna play another. Just need to keep up the strong mental side.

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