Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Pre Session Notes

Couple of good sessions, probably purely down to improved mental game rather than anything else. Sounds stupid, but it helps me hugely to remember that everything contributes to the winrate. Yeah this is obvious, but I'd get frustrated at losing virtually any pot 'cos I'd think 'damn, can't win at 5bb now, cos I got coolered'. Like sorta thinking that all the coolers and good pots and everything all add up to 5 bb/100, and anything taken off that means we win nothing. Whereas in reality all our winning spots add up to a gizzilion/100, and it's just minimising those downsides that leave us with a nice healthy winrate. Yeah, just helps me loads to think about it like this for some reason.

So yeah that's it, not too many interesting hands really. I've been doing lots of work on CREV on flatting 3bets..... like cos so many people auto cbet so many boards, but we have to defend 2/3 of our range to stop them having the auto profitable cbet. 2/3 of our range includes a lot of very aggressive floats and raises, so been fun to play about with those. I'll talk more about it sometime when I have it more figured out.

Did have to make this 'sigh lol 100' call today. He woulda bluffed me off 22 tho.

Is all

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