Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Good couple of days

Ran well for a couple of days and did well $ wise. As part of the mental game of poker stuff though I'm obviously trying to move away from evaluating success based on short term $ fluctuations, but I'm pleased with my in-game mental approach of late and also my approach to dealing with leaks and competencies and such.

I have this sticker on my desktop recording my current conscious competencies and unconscious competencies. I have a few ready to be 'promoted' to UC I think, leaving room for some more conscious competencies. Not too sure what they'll be yet though.



Unknown said...

Yeah, in life (and obv with poker as well) just because you'd like to promote a conscious competency to a UC. Doesn't mean it's ready to be included in the 2nd category.

Why dont you write up a list of all the aspects of the game you'd like to be UC's (rather than a list of CC's you'd like to promote to UC's by scratching out), and just keep planning all the different ways to get there?

Unknown said...

On another note, how are you spending your week g?

I only ask because I'm learning poker and have a part-time job. Yet I still spend too much time just wandering about thinking 'I cant do this (poker). I should get a proper job.'

Are you playing every day? Are you exercising?

Oh, how about training videos. Have you watched any in the last couple of years (if so, whom)?


grog said...

Hello. Yeah I have a list of all the things I need to be unconscious competencies, but it's important to only focus on like 4-5 max of them at a time or this affects ingame play too much.

They're not all super technical things or anything. For example, my latest to be promoted from CC to UC was 'stop spewing to fish'. I realised it was ready to be promoted 'cos I'd stopped doing it without thinking about it.

Yeah I play every day. And I do a ton of exercise in the form of football (games this week on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, today, Tomorrow, Thursday, then I have Friday off) and I also bike everywhere since the police took my car off me and turned it into a cube, but that's another story :-p

Training videos, yeh I watch them from time to time, probably only 1 a week on average but looking to do more. Matt Janda on CR I really like atm 'cos he's so theory based...... other people's vids, like live play ones, I just watch to get an idea of what they're thinking really.......

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, if that's all your UC's consist of (eg. play better v fish) then you're alright. I was thinking a bit bigger in scope (eg. being raised on the turn v every opponent (known or unknown)). The timeframes are slightly different for achieving the targets in the 2 examples lol.

You know, thats plenty of exercise [tick].

Wrt the video-watching janda's brilliant (and i know u intend on purchasing his book). On a related subject, I know you have kept withdrawing from your roll over the years but I was wondering if you considered aejones a far better player than you. I havent been playing long so if you're a poker instructor at 1 of the main sites you're automatically a better player than me. But with Aaron and you. You've had access to all of his vids for 4 years. You've played against him. You've spoke to him as a person.

Will he always be a better NL player? (I qualify that statement with the assumption that he was playing bigger games on stars up to fairly recently so would think you would say he was the better player)

grog said...

Ask anyone in poker who is the better player and they'll say him, so there's your answer :-p

Unknown said...

^^^ I meant more in a, do you watch his vids with an open mind looking for evidence proving/disproving the hypothesis that he's (/any high stakes video producer (i know there's not that many of them around anymore for good reasons)) a better player than you?

I always come across sounding patronising in your blog comments (i dont mean to) but i have good intentions. apart from the list of CC's you'd like to be UC's, do you have a long term plan for grog ---> aejones (well, the skill level of at NL)? Now's perfect. He's not even playing at the mo to the best of my knowledge.