Start with mental stuff. Was just discussing all this mad stuff I need to spend tons of money on, and got me a little tilted and so I disengaged from the conversation. In the past I'd probably just kick off a quick session with a 'need to make money' mentality and spew off 9 BIs, but now at least I can do some stuff about it and get myself in a better mode.
Basically, I only have control over how well I play, and so worrying about external factors such as rungood is a huge waste of mental energy and counter productive. I feel like I'm slowly turning round the oil tanker in terms of how I view session decisions in relation to winrate..... just realising that making a big fold or even losing an unavoidable buyin, or even losing a buyin that was close, contributes to a 5bb winrate as much as winning large pots does.
I've also been grading myself every 10 minutes on my ability to have video narratives kick in on all the key pots. Having it there is very mentally intensive, so it's not like I need it for every PF decision or whatever, but once I have 10bbs invested into a pot then I need to start articulating the correct way forward as if being watched a few 100 people.
Technically, probably my biggest leak thus far is allowing reverse equity situations to build when I'm OOP. A couple of huge soul reads starting on the flop when he's always betting 3 streets, but marginal. I 3bet KK the other day, and CC down AQ8r VS a wide PF range where he'd only ever bet AQ or 88 3 streets for value. So 12 combos vs a wide PF range and a range where his air is stabbing flop a ton......... so maybe the soulread isn't that bad, but I guess at 100 just sorta *unnecessary* really. He had 88.
Other than that, quite happy. I've been cbetting more so my WWSF is pretty high again which can only be good.
Right, er that's it. Hopefully won't be long now till I'm free of this cursed limit. At least I have a house to my name tho!
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